Muah Haha. So happy. It's the 冠军庆功影音双碟版 version, whatever you call that in English. I know it's kind of silly to buy another of their album when ths songs are exactly the same right? But I. Don't. Care. HAHAHAHA
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
除夕~ 拜拜去咯!
Today is 除夕, must 拜祖先, so we went to temple to pray ancestors.
Laughing Buddha 弥勒佛
Why does this ox look more like a pig? And what's with that pink thing on its head?
This miniature monk is so cute.
Go buy 4D everyone! Go buy 2238! 财神爷says so! Go! Haha.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Went to M Hotel for reunion dinner just now, uber full now. It's steamboat style buffet, really normal food they have, meat, veg, fish, chicken, prawn... What's cool is that the three of us had a table to ourselves, away from dad and mum. HAHA, that meant that we could eat WHATEVER we want.
AND, this is the period of time during the year when relatives start asking you about your LIFE. Since I've just finished A'levels and have yet gotten my results, they asked my what are my aspirations. ASPIRATIONS~ What are you? I've always wanted to be a scientist or a forensic scientist when I was young, but I don't even take a single science subject in JC. Heh, I really don't know how's my future going to be like. My cousin is asking me to be a relief teacher, my aunt supported that idea, even my grandma says its good to be a teacher! Erm, NO WAY. The kids are so gonna fail everything if they get me as their teacher. I'm so gonna die too if I become one. Who likes being something that all kids hate?
Some pics we took:
Woo Yeah, tom yam + chicken soup.
Haha, Lizzie was so hungry, she took a WHOLE fish.
My delicious 'just-boiled' egg yolk.

Friday, January 23, 2009
Playing with Google Picasa.
Made a collage of Wang Leehom's <春雨里洗过的太阳> music video.

Nice song, nice MV.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
王力宏 《心·跳》 Review~
SonyBMG, you rock!
Since Jay Chou’s album ‘Capricorn’, SonyBMG (Singapore) has been producing cheaper versions of albums so as to counter attack the damn-cheap China parallel imported CDs. And when I say cheaper, I mean a whole lot cheaper. I paid $9.90 for my original Wang Lee Hom’s ‘Heart Beat’ album while the normal one costs $21.90. The cheaper one is simply packed with fewer goodies such as a having a normal plastic CD case and a thinner lyric book. For sound wise, it’s exactly the same. For suckers like me who feel the urge to lay our hands on every available CD, the more affordable ones are obviously more favoured. Of course, saints like me will never do illegal downloading of music off the Internet too, support original!!!
I shall go bury myself in my bed, grab the lyric book in my hand, turn on my stereo, and drown myself in LeeHom’s voice :)
Oh no, I’ve not even listened to Mayday’s album yet. Damn.
Here’s my review on Leehom’s ‘Heart Beat’.
Leehom’s new album, ‘Heart Beat’, represent the different perspectives of music that he has. In his own words, the ‘Heart’ portion is more ‘emotional’ and more ‘introspective’; while the ‘Beat’ section, has more ‘strong, energetic, and rocking’ genres. In whole, this album can be said to be Leehom’s proudest, where he took charge of most of the production, including both music and lyrics.
王力宏 《心·跳》 ♫♫♫♫♫
1。爱得 得体- 俏皮有趣的歌,歌曲前奏用了笛子来伴奏,还以为会是什么抒情中国调的慢歌,没想到这却是一首摇滚到不行的歌。王力宏用了“得体”和“Dirty” 的相似谐音来讽刺杂乱的音乐界。Nice pun! “放开”的咬字有点像英文脏话‘F***’,是我多心了吗?哈哈。不过,很有创意!讽刺到点了!超HIGH超ROCK的歌,有点Bollywood的感觉~
2。心跳- 抒情的歌。王力宏有参与写词的部分,可是词有点卡卡。“…带走我的心跳”那一句不应该重复两遍,感觉有点词穷。不过这首轻摇滚的歌还是感动了我。王力宏说过这首歌是一首很 “personal” 的歌,自己也很喜欢。
3。春雨里洗过的太阳- 轻快民谣曲风,蛮sunshine的一首歌。副歌部分的 “If you listen to the rhythm of the pouring rain” 雷同英文歌 “Rhythm of The Rain”。很清爽、无负担的感觉,把深重的心情抛开,迎接漂亮的春天!MV也拍得很可爱。可是我还是觉得歌名太长了,如果改叫《雨后晴朗》应该还不错吧!
4。Everything- 深情的情歌,类似 ‘Forever Love’ 和 ‘唯一’,可是明显少了一种两者都有的感染力。‘Cause you’re my everything’ 听起来貌似英文歌 ‘You’re My Everything’,或许王力宏的音乐深造比较西洋化,所以歌曲都有英文歌的影子。
5。我完全没有任何理由理你- 王力宏开骂了!!!哈哈,超呛的一首歌,被暗点到名的人会很气吧!歌曲的起伏很大,电子音的部分很酷,可是不喜欢的人也很多吧,因为说真的,歌曲很难消化。可是,我喜欢!我喜欢有个性的歌!爆出娱乐圈的假象,王力宏以不屑待视,有种!词曲一手包办,不错呢!做自己的音乐还要看别人的脸色、被指指点点,真是烦!
6。另一个天堂- 与大陆超女张靓颖的对唱情歌,很好听!有点R&B的feel,大家去K歌吧!跟与Selina合唱的《你是我心内的一首歌》有所不同,《另》比较优美,《你》则比较可爱。跟超女合唱似乎已经成为一种潮流,李玖哲找过周笔畅合唱《你好吗》,刘力扬分别和炎亚纶&林宥嘉合唱了《TiAmo》及《传说》,如今王力宏也找来了张靓颖合唱《另一个天堂》。更广泛的音乐,更有趣的火花,占领中国乐坛的必须!中间有一段张靓颖表演‘海豚音’的部分,听起来像是吹口哨的声音,可是其实是超高假音的海豚音哦!!!
7。玩偶- 中国风的调调,很可爱、很风趣,转音也很酷,有点‘咚咚咙咚锵咚锵咚锵’的感觉。男方不想再当女方的‘玩偶’,有点像吴克群的《男佣》。灵感大概来自中国布袋戏,听了后有点想大喊‘新年快乐!’,哈哈。
8。脚本- 楼上那首歌也有‘脚本’两字,莫非王力宏真的词穷了?也许是拍过电影的戏瘾还未退吧。蛮感人的一首歌,伤~伤~伤~ “世界也太乏味,更需要变得很美”。
9。竞争对手- 唯一一首王力红梅参与写词的歌,可是却… 无言。曲子有黑人歌手的HipHop和Rap,又有点Orchestra交响乐的感觉。音乐起伏也很大,可是仍没给我留下印象。
10。摇滚怎么了!!- 很多人讨厌这首歌,原因何在? 在它太吵闹了。我原本听了这首歌后也怀疑王力宏疯了!可是,这就是王力宏Chinked-out的风格。听久了后你会对这首歌曲有感,会同意王力宏的疑问,对音乐有置疑。摇滚,您到底怎么了?
2008年可说是王力宏非常忙得一年吧!办了‘Music Man’ 世界巡回演唱会,还担任了北京奥运会的火炬手,参演了李安导演的〈色,戒〉,等等。买榜风波也少不了我们挚爱的音乐才子。面对着面临惨况的音乐场景,王力宏选择了做好自己的音乐,站出来护卫乐坛,为音乐讨个清白。那么执着于音乐又谦虚的音乐人已经很罕见了!可惜,暴躁的音乐反映了王力宏对乐坛得失望心态及不满。我好希望能找回以往拥有‘好好先生’名号的王力宏,唱者‘唯一’、‘Kiss Goodbye’、‘Forever Love’让每个女生疯狂痴迷的王力宏。大家,还给音乐一个干净的环境,把温情的王力宏还给我!
推荐曲:心跳 春雨里洗过的太阳 我完全没有任何理由理你 另一个天堂
Since Jay Chou’s album ‘Capricorn’, SonyBMG (Singapore) has been producing cheaper versions of albums so as to counter attack the damn-cheap China parallel imported CDs. And when I say cheaper, I mean a whole lot cheaper. I paid $9.90 for my original Wang Lee Hom’s ‘Heart Beat’ album while the normal one costs $21.90. The cheaper one is simply packed with fewer goodies such as a having a normal plastic CD case and a thinner lyric book. For sound wise, it’s exactly the same. For suckers like me who feel the urge to lay our hands on every available CD, the more affordable ones are obviously more favoured. Of course, saints like me will never do illegal downloading of music off the Internet too, support original!!!
I shall go bury myself in my bed, grab the lyric book in my hand, turn on my stereo, and drown myself in LeeHom’s voice :)
Oh no, I’ve not even listened to Mayday’s album yet. Damn.
Here’s my review on Leehom’s ‘Heart Beat’.

王力宏 《心·跳》 ♫♫♫♫♫
1。爱得 得体- 俏皮有趣的歌,歌曲前奏用了笛子来伴奏,还以为会是什么抒情中国调的慢歌,没想到这却是一首摇滚到不行的歌。王力宏用了“得体”和“Dirty” 的相似谐音来讽刺杂乱的音乐界。Nice pun! “放开”的咬字有点像英文脏话‘F***’,是我多心了吗?哈哈。不过,很有创意!讽刺到点了!超HIGH超ROCK的歌,有点Bollywood的感觉~
2。心跳- 抒情的歌。王力宏有参与写词的部分,可是词有点卡卡。“…带走我的心跳”那一句不应该重复两遍,感觉有点词穷。不过这首轻摇滚的歌还是感动了我。王力宏说过这首歌是一首很 “personal” 的歌,自己也很喜欢。
3。春雨里洗过的太阳- 轻快民谣曲风,蛮sunshine的一首歌。副歌部分的 “If you listen to the rhythm of the pouring rain” 雷同英文歌 “Rhythm of The Rain”。很清爽、无负担的感觉,把深重的心情抛开,迎接漂亮的春天!MV也拍得很可爱。可是我还是觉得歌名太长了,如果改叫《雨后晴朗》应该还不错吧!
4。Everything- 深情的情歌,类似 ‘Forever Love’ 和 ‘唯一’,可是明显少了一种两者都有的感染力。‘Cause you’re my everything’ 听起来貌似英文歌 ‘You’re My Everything’,或许王力宏的音乐深造比较西洋化,所以歌曲都有英文歌的影子。
5。我完全没有任何理由理你- 王力宏开骂了!!!哈哈,超呛的一首歌,被暗点到名的人会很气吧!歌曲的起伏很大,电子音的部分很酷,可是不喜欢的人也很多吧,因为说真的,歌曲很难消化。可是,我喜欢!我喜欢有个性的歌!爆出娱乐圈的假象,王力宏以不屑待视,有种!词曲一手包办,不错呢!做自己的音乐还要看别人的脸色、被指指点点,真是烦!
6。另一个天堂- 与大陆超女张靓颖的对唱情歌,很好听!有点R&B的feel,大家去K歌吧!跟与Selina合唱的《你是我心内的一首歌》有所不同,《另》比较优美,《你》则比较可爱。跟超女合唱似乎已经成为一种潮流,李玖哲找过周笔畅合唱《你好吗》,刘力扬分别和炎亚纶&林宥嘉合唱了《TiAmo》及《传说》,如今王力宏也找来了张靓颖合唱《另一个天堂》。更广泛的音乐,更有趣的火花,占领中国乐坛的必须!中间有一段张靓颖表演‘海豚音’的部分,听起来像是吹口哨的声音,可是其实是超高假音的海豚音哦!!!
7。玩偶- 中国风的调调,很可爱、很风趣,转音也很酷,有点‘咚咚咙咚锵咚锵咚锵’的感觉。男方不想再当女方的‘玩偶’,有点像吴克群的《男佣》。灵感大概来自中国布袋戏,听了后有点想大喊‘新年快乐!’,哈哈。
8。脚本- 楼上那首歌也有‘脚本’两字,莫非王力宏真的词穷了?也许是拍过电影的戏瘾还未退吧。蛮感人的一首歌,伤~伤~伤~ “世界也太乏味,更需要变得很美”。
9。竞争对手- 唯一一首王力红梅参与写词的歌,可是却… 无言。曲子有黑人歌手的HipHop和Rap,又有点Orchestra交响乐的感觉。音乐起伏也很大,可是仍没给我留下印象。
10。摇滚怎么了!!- 很多人讨厌这首歌,原因何在? 在它太吵闹了。我原本听了这首歌后也怀疑王力宏疯了!可是,这就是王力宏Chinked-out的风格。听久了后你会对这首歌曲有感,会同意王力宏的疑问,对音乐有置疑。摇滚,您到底怎么了?
2008年可说是王力宏非常忙得一年吧!办了‘Music Man’ 世界巡回演唱会,还担任了北京奥运会的火炬手,参演了李安导演的〈色,戒〉,等等。买榜风波也少不了我们挚爱的音乐才子。面对着面临惨况的音乐场景,王力宏选择了做好自己的音乐,站出来护卫乐坛,为音乐讨个清白。那么执着于音乐又谦虚的音乐人已经很罕见了!可惜,暴躁的音乐反映了王力宏对乐坛得失望心态及不满。我好希望能找回以往拥有‘好好先生’名号的王力宏,唱者‘唯一’、‘Kiss Goodbye’、‘Forever Love’让每个女生疯狂痴迷的王力宏。大家,还给音乐一个干净的环境,把温情的王力宏还给我!
推荐曲:心跳 春雨里洗过的太阳 我完全没有任何理由理你 另一个天堂
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Fun day.
Woke up at 9plus.
Watched some tv.
RAN to the bus stop to board THAT bus 5.
Met Tricia on the bus, thank GOD i managed to catch that bus.
Went for lunch with her.
Got my magazine from her!!!
Ate at Subway, too fulling.
Walked around Far East and Taka.
Said bye to Tricia and walked to Heeren.
Walked into HMV and lurked around there.
Saw Fahrenguys selling at only $9.95!!!
Contemplated for awhile.
Bought it anyway.
Went to Bugis, met Agnes, Wanling and Melissa.
Roamed around Bugis.
Received msg from Baobao saying that she can't meet us today.
Met May.
Went into Hip Diner USA(by Billy Bombers) .
Ate Lamb Shank.
Drank Emerald Eyes.
We talked and laughed.
Took pics.
Said goodbye.
Saw Caroline while walking to the MRT station.
Said 'Hi! Bye!'
Boarded an extremely crowded MRT.
Reached Bedok station.
Bought a Vitagen to drink.
Waited for my bus.
Boarded a 66.
Damn crowded too.
Alighted at my bus stop.
I reached home.
What a day!
Here's my Fahrenguys... I think I'm very outdated, cos ppl bought these a long time ago.
But I don't care, I paid only $9.95!!! The original price was $49.95~ Hehheh.
Watched some tv.
RAN to the bus stop to board THAT bus 5.
Met Tricia on the bus, thank GOD i managed to catch that bus.
Went for lunch with her.
Got my magazine from her!!!
Ate at Subway, too fulling.
Walked around Far East and Taka.
Said bye to Tricia and walked to Heeren.
Walked into HMV and lurked around there.
Saw Fahrenguys selling at only $9.95!!!
Contemplated for awhile.
Bought it anyway.
Went to Bugis, met Agnes, Wanling and Melissa.
Roamed around Bugis.
Received msg from Baobao saying that she can't meet us today.
Met May.
Went into Hip Diner USA(by Billy Bombers) .
Ate Lamb Shank.
Drank Emerald Eyes.
We talked and laughed.
Took pics.
Said goodbye.
Saw Caroline while walking to the MRT station.
Said 'Hi! Bye!'
Boarded an extremely crowded MRT.
Reached Bedok station.
Bought a Vitagen to drink.
Waited for my bus.
Boarded a 66.
Damn crowded too.
Alighted at my bus stop.
I reached home.
What a day!
Here's my Fahrenguys... I think I'm very outdated, cos ppl bought these a long time ago.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
I passed my BTT. Like, obviously.
Dad says its impossible to fail, unless you go up to the guy and say, "Hi, can you fail my BTT?"
There were so many kancheong people, flipping their BTT handbook over and over again while waiting for the system to start.
Please, you won't fail your BTT, it's easier than my kindergarten spelling where I had to spell 'washing machine'.
I finished the test in nine minutes. A total waste of time considering that I have to change two buses to get home from there and spend a dollar plus on bus fare.
Dad says its impossible to fail, unless you go up to the guy and say, "Hi, can you fail my BTT?"
There were so many kancheong people, flipping their BTT handbook over and over again while waiting for the system to start.
Please, you won't fail your BTT, it's easier than my kindergarten spelling where I had to spell 'washing machine'.
I finished the test in nine minutes. A total waste of time considering that I have to change two buses to get home from there and spend a dollar plus on bus fare.
O'level cert, where are you???
I can't find my O'Level certs...
How How How?
I need it to get my pay.
I can't remember how it looks like,
I don't even have any recollection of collecting it from KC.
Could I have left it in my previous house?
Did KC try to contact me but can't reach me cos' I've shifted?
Why does Agnes have hers but I don't?
Didn't we go collect it together?
Agnes said we didn't,
Actually I really cannot remember.
Two years have passed and I JUST realised how important it is,
Even A'Level certs weigh less.
OK, I'm doomed.
O'Level certs, where are you?
Yay I found it:)
How How How?
I need it to get my pay.
I can't remember how it looks like,
I don't even have any recollection of collecting it from KC.
Could I have left it in my previous house?
Did KC try to contact me but can't reach me cos' I've shifted?
Why does Agnes have hers but I don't?
Didn't we go collect it together?
Agnes said we didn't,
Actually I really cannot remember.
Two years have passed and I JUST realised how important it is,
Even A'Level certs weigh less.
OK, I'm doomed.
O'Level certs, where are you?
Yay I found it:)
13th to 16th Jan 2009.
Time: 8:30am
Workplace: Ngee Ann Polytechnic
Job scope: Help out in DAE (Direct Admission Exercise)
WOW. Work was so fun. Not exactly 'hahaha'-fun, but fun as in satisfying (and I'm not referring to the pay).
I had to sort out application forms, photocopy documents, file up forms, and explain things to people.
There were ALL SORTS of people streaming in to apply for DAE- foreign students, private candidates, ITE students, A'level holders, ex-poly students, O'level candidates who can't apply the course they want through JAE because of almighty ENGLISH, and just whoever who wants a diploma but can't get through the criteria.
There were cases of students who so really want to get into Mass Communications but missed the chance because they had a B4 for angmoh, there were also cases where people refused to accept the fact that they have to retake their O'levels again because they failed EVERY subject and wanted to bang their luck through DAE.
How many passports if touched, I felt as though I was working at the immigration check point.
Singaporeans, brace up, the number of Chinese nationals applying to get into a course comes in batches of hundreds, not to mention the other 4 polytechnics in Singapore too. They can be anytime smarter than us, if not for their English.
There were of course some funny cases. People DHL-ed their applications to the school from everywhere, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, China, Myanmar etc. Some will send the full application form, while some just send us their results. Some did not even register for DAE but still sent their forms to us. One delivery package from China had Liu Xiang's picture on it, running towards the finishing line, and it just seemed so hilarious. Some people sent their entire certificate files to the school, attached with their PSLE results and New South Wales certs from eons ago.
Total number of paper cuts I've got: Too many.
My knee hurts due to the long hours of standing. I fell down too cos' my knee gave way. Haiz.
Makan Place is very noisy, but they have a Subway there. Cool.
The school is very BIG, I will still get lost within it.
The staff are very friendly, I really enjoy working with them:)
I misplaced my wallet and I didn't even realised, until a staff passed it back to me. Haha. BIG-HEADED PRAWN~大头虾
Anyway, for people who wants/have to retake their O'level subjects as a private candidate, please remember to register on SEAB's website from the 9th to 19th Mar' 09, and send the receipt back to the respective Polytechnics you wanna study at by the 20th Mar.
Time: 8:30am
Workplace: Ngee Ann Polytechnic
Job scope: Help out in DAE (Direct Admission Exercise)
WOW. Work was so fun. Not exactly 'hahaha'-fun, but fun as in satisfying (and I'm not referring to the pay).
I had to sort out application forms, photocopy documents, file up forms, and explain things to people.
There were ALL SORTS of people streaming in to apply for DAE- foreign students, private candidates, ITE students, A'level holders, ex-poly students, O'level candidates who can't apply the course they want through JAE because of almighty ENGLISH, and just whoever who wants a diploma but can't get through the criteria.
There were cases of students who so really want to get into Mass Communications but missed the chance because they had a B4 for angmoh, there were also cases where people refused to accept the fact that they have to retake their O'levels again because they failed EVERY subject and wanted to bang their luck through DAE.
How many passports if touched, I felt as though I was working at the immigration check point.
Singaporeans, brace up, the number of Chinese nationals applying to get into a course comes in batches of hundreds, not to mention the other 4 polytechnics in Singapore too. They can be anytime smarter than us, if not for their English.
There were of course some funny cases. People DHL-ed their applications to the school from everywhere, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, China, Myanmar etc. Some will send the full application form, while some just send us their results. Some did not even register for DAE but still sent their forms to us. One delivery package from China had Liu Xiang's picture on it, running towards the finishing line, and it just seemed so hilarious. Some people sent their entire certificate files to the school, attached with their PSLE results and New South Wales certs from eons ago.
Total number of paper cuts I've got: Too many.
My knee hurts due to the long hours of standing. I fell down too cos' my knee gave way. Haiz.
Makan Place is very noisy, but they have a Subway there. Cool.
The school is very BIG, I will still get lost within it.
The staff are very friendly, I really enjoy working with them:)
I misplaced my wallet and I didn't even realised, until a staff passed it back to me. Haha. BIG-HEADED PRAWN~大头虾
Anyway, for people who wants/have to retake their O'level subjects as a private candidate, please remember to register on SEAB's website from the 9th to 19th Mar' 09, and send the receipt back to the respective Polytechnics you wanna study at by the 20th Mar.
Monday, January 12, 2009
罗志祥- 《潮男正传》Review
Someone explain to me, why is Show Luo’s album so freaking expensive?!? 31 dollars for a ten-track album? That’s like paying 3 bucks for a song! That’s robbery. Unless you tell me there’s some goodies lying inside that weird plastic foil wrapper around his album. In order to save my wallet from going kaput, I bought the China parallel imported version of his album instead. This only cost me $12.90. HA.

推荐曲:第二顺位 搞笑 幸福不灭 潮男正传

罗志祥 《潮男正传》 ♫♫♫♫♫
‘潮男’是个不错的形容词,而小猪罗志祥肯定是背得起这种重大的形容词。台湾的流行教主就非蔡依林、杨丞琳、罗志祥等人莫属。在台湾街头,那叫流行,来到新加坡,那叫阿明、阿莲 (Ah Beng, Ah Lian),我不怕被打,因为是事实。罗志祥也是成功把‘台客’改换成‘潮男’的人。
1。撑腰–义气称霸的歌,兄弟之间的团结及友情在这首歌里全唱出来了。罗志祥的‘Party Boys’ 兄弟帮就是这首歌的灵魂支柱。歌词很‘machi’,如“…万一你又出包有我帮你罩…男人要自我保护…要团结 抗外海 拿出男人硬态度…捍卫男人荣耀 麻烦我来罩”。蛮High的一首歌,应该是男生们一起在KTV狂飙的歌吧。
3。第二顺位–专辑里较抒情的一首歌。苦恋的感觉,歌词是写得淋漓尽致,“从我爱上 爱他的你那个瞬间起 一直是雨天 你只爱雨天 我用伞 保护你… 就让我等 就算我冷 至少我 陪着你”。感动呦~
5。潜意识失控- 歌曲的前奏听起来跟林俊杰《陆》专辑中的《不潮不用花钱》有点雷同。电子音很重的歌,如果带着耳机听这首歌一定会觉得很烦,因为电音很杂。Techno-disco的曲风很适合在热舞party上放。
7。幸福不灭- 偶像剧[篮球火]的插曲,作曲者是F.I.R的阿沁,歌曲属于中慢版,听起来蛮舒服的。歌词中的“Cause I Believe”很有韵味,怪不得歌词本里有一句‘Cause I Believe, I Can’。帅。
8。潮男正传 - 同名主打歌,很‘潮’的歌,类似街头音乐的感觉。歌词写着“…只有两只脚 鞋都嫌不够 哪有限量 家里通通有…男人爱美活着才够厉害 It’s alright (敷眼袋) It’s ok (牙齿漂白) 潮男出门接受大家膜拜…男人味 标准已经不同…”。额,怎么那么娘啊?也够自恋的。爱美也许真得已经不是女人的专利了。
总而来说,罗志祥这张专辑是有做到位了,可是我直呼不够。小猪以往的专辑都有对唱曲,譬如《真命天子》、《恋爱达人》、《Twinkle》、《败给你》,这些歌曲都很hit,这张专辑却没有小猪和其他艺人的合作,好像少了点surprise。还有,以往的专辑里都会收录小猪自己的创作,如《刺青》、《自恋》、《操盘手》之类的,以一个全方位艺人来说,小猪的创作是很不错的,可惜这张专辑没让大家见识到。另外,这张专辑里的歌曲类别都太过于相似,不是抒情就是街头舞曲,听完了整张专辑的感觉就是偏偏一律。我想小猪只是想推出一张能在他服饰店里 put on repeat mode的CD吧。
‘潮男’是个不错的形容词,而小猪罗志祥肯定是背得起这种重大的形容词。台湾的流行教主就非蔡依林、杨丞琳、罗志祥等人莫属。在台湾街头,那叫流行,来到新加坡,那叫阿明、阿莲 (Ah Beng, Ah Lian),我不怕被打,因为是事实。罗志祥也是成功把‘台客’改换成‘潮男’的人。
1。撑腰–义气称霸的歌,兄弟之间的团结及友情在这首歌里全唱出来了。罗志祥的‘Party Boys’ 兄弟帮就是这首歌的灵魂支柱。歌词很‘machi’,如“…万一你又出包有我帮你罩…男人要自我保护…要团结 抗外海 拿出男人硬态度…捍卫男人荣耀 麻烦我来罩”。蛮High的一首歌,应该是男生们一起在KTV狂飙的歌吧。
3。第二顺位–专辑里较抒情的一首歌。苦恋的感觉,歌词是写得淋漓尽致,“从我爱上 爱他的你那个瞬间起 一直是雨天 你只爱雨天 我用伞 保护你… 就让我等 就算我冷 至少我 陪着你”。感动呦~
5。潜意识失控- 歌曲的前奏听起来跟林俊杰《陆》专辑中的《不潮不用花钱》有点雷同。电子音很重的歌,如果带着耳机听这首歌一定会觉得很烦,因为电音很杂。Techno-disco的曲风很适合在热舞party上放。
7。幸福不灭- 偶像剧[篮球火]的插曲,作曲者是F.I.R的阿沁,歌曲属于中慢版,听起来蛮舒服的。歌词中的“Cause I Believe”很有韵味,怪不得歌词本里有一句‘Cause I Believe, I Can’。帅。
8。潮男正传 - 同名主打歌,很‘潮’的歌,类似街头音乐的感觉。歌词写着“…只有两只脚 鞋都嫌不够 哪有限量 家里通通有…男人爱美活着才够厉害 It’s alright (敷眼袋) It’s ok (牙齿漂白) 潮男出门接受大家膜拜…男人味 标准已经不同…”。额,怎么那么娘啊?也够自恋的。爱美也许真得已经不是女人的专利了。
总而来说,罗志祥这张专辑是有做到位了,可是我直呼不够。小猪以往的专辑都有对唱曲,譬如《真命天子》、《恋爱达人》、《Twinkle》、《败给你》,这些歌曲都很hit,这张专辑却没有小猪和其他艺人的合作,好像少了点surprise。还有,以往的专辑里都会收录小猪自己的创作,如《刺青》、《自恋》、《操盘手》之类的,以一个全方位艺人来说,小猪的创作是很不错的,可惜这张专辑没让大家见识到。另外,这张专辑里的歌曲类别都太过于相似,不是抒情就是街头舞曲,听完了整张专辑的感觉就是偏偏一律。我想小猪只是想推出一张能在他服饰店里 put on repeat mode的CD吧。
推荐曲:第二顺位 搞笑 幸福不灭 潮男正传
The grief stricken music industry~
Wanted to rest for a while before blogging again, or to upload my next music review up, but this hooha is so massive that I have to blog about it. It concerns the Taiwanese music industry, or perhaps, the entire music industry in the world.
In an era where new singers are springing up and filling the music industry at the speed of crazy, one might wonder how do these amateurish singers even survive when people are cutting down on their spending?
The answer is: Their music companies don’t care, and the reason for them not to care is because: The music industry is now a joke.
Which singer can really sing and reign the entire music industry like how Beatles, ABBA and even, gosh, Michael Jackson did?
Which singer can sell up to 20 million copies of their album? Singers are only trying to pass the ten thousand mark now.
Previously, there were supporters and haters, either you like it or hate it. Now, there’s only supporters and onlookers, either you like it or is nonchalant about it.
In this looming world where downloading is the access to music, who still knows what a CD looks like?
Look at the Mandarin music industry for example; more and more youngsters are being ‘scouted’ through talent-scouting shows and singing competitions.
Groomed and bloomed, those kids gained popularity and think that they have found their haven.
Look at Aska Yang, Jam Hsiao and Yoga Lin, the three once most discussed individuals, where are they now?
Too many singers, too few consumers, that’s the ugly fact that we are living with now. Everyone is climbing to stardom due to over-excessive amounts of platforms.
Everyone is trying to outdo everyone, at the expense of the music industry.
Bribing of music charts is then what record companies resort to.
In 2007, Jay Chou and Jolin Tsai created a hooha when Jay said that he would not, and need not, do dirty tricks to manipulate the music charts unlike Chen Ze San, Jolin’s manager.
In 2009, Wang Lee Hom and Show Luo brought the bribery case up again. This time, Lee Hom’s company, SonyBMG, said, “The music industry knows that a particular renown management company would always try to bribe music charts whenever their singers release new albums.” Of course, SonyBMG was referring to Show who released his album on the same day as Lee Hom.
Woo. Did I mention that Jolin and Show come from the same management company called Mars Entertainment? They even hail from the same music company EMI Capitol, which has sadly ceased to existence lately after EMI supposedly gave up on the Mandarin music industry.
What a pleasant irony.
Haiz, okay, enough of ranting. Go review Show Luo's album soon.
And yay, starting work tmr.
In an era where new singers are springing up and filling the music industry at the speed of crazy, one might wonder how do these amateurish singers even survive when people are cutting down on their spending?
The answer is: Their music companies don’t care, and the reason for them not to care is because: The music industry is now a joke.
Which singer can really sing and reign the entire music industry like how Beatles, ABBA and even, gosh, Michael Jackson did?
Which singer can sell up to 20 million copies of their album? Singers are only trying to pass the ten thousand mark now.
Previously, there were supporters and haters, either you like it or hate it. Now, there’s only supporters and onlookers, either you like it or is nonchalant about it.
In this looming world where downloading is the access to music, who still knows what a CD looks like?
Look at the Mandarin music industry for example; more and more youngsters are being ‘scouted’ through talent-scouting shows and singing competitions.
Groomed and bloomed, those kids gained popularity and think that they have found their haven.
Look at Aska Yang, Jam Hsiao and Yoga Lin, the three once most discussed individuals, where are they now?
Too many singers, too few consumers, that’s the ugly fact that we are living with now. Everyone is climbing to stardom due to over-excessive amounts of platforms.
Everyone is trying to outdo everyone, at the expense of the music industry.
Bribing of music charts is then what record companies resort to.
In 2007, Jay Chou and Jolin Tsai created a hooha when Jay said that he would not, and need not, do dirty tricks to manipulate the music charts unlike Chen Ze San, Jolin’s manager.
In 2009, Wang Lee Hom and Show Luo brought the bribery case up again. This time, Lee Hom’s company, SonyBMG, said, “The music industry knows that a particular renown management company would always try to bribe music charts whenever their singers release new albums.” Of course, SonyBMG was referring to Show who released his album on the same day as Lee Hom.
Woo. Did I mention that Jolin and Show come from the same management company called Mars Entertainment? They even hail from the same music company EMI Capitol, which has sadly ceased to existence lately after EMI supposedly gave up on the Mandarin music industry.
What a pleasant irony.
Haiz, okay, enough of ranting. Go review Show Luo's album soon.
And yay, starting work tmr.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Ip Man movie~

叶问,Ip Man.
Watched Ip Man with my mum yesterday.
I think Donnie Yen is so COOL!!!
“我只是个中国人。” 帅!
Now I know why my bro watched it twice... It's Darn Good.
Monday, January 5, 2009
飞轮海- 《越来越爱》乐评 Review

飞轮海- 《越来越爱》 ♪♪♪♪♪
1. 动脉- 炎亚纶主演的《霹雳MIT》的主题曲,是一首快节奏、热血的歌曲。背景音乐含有电子音和特效,肯定会令人沸腾。只可惜,合声团的声音大了点,听起来也有些粗糙,盖过了飞轮海的声音。应该也是一首后期制作到暴的歌,很遗憾,有点瑕疵。
2. 越来越爱- 一改以往走的阳光男孩路线,飞轮海这次大玩乐团摇滚/视觉系庞克摇滚风,首波主打‘越来越爱’就是想让歌迷见识他们狂野的一面,很band的感觉。飞轮海用这首歌让歌迷们知道他们越来越爱歌迷们,恰巧的是,歌词写的就是歌迷的心声,“怎麼辦我越來越愛 高舉著最誇張燈牌 第一個衝到第一排 比誰都快 為你哭 為你笑 為你down 為你high 不抵抗 不耍賴 不悔改 管他的青紅或皂白只要對你崇拜”。歌迷崇拜偶像的心情写得也太精确了吧~
3. 寂寞暴走- ‘暴走’是一种现象的称法,代表‘暴力后走人’,最先在日本开始。‘暴走族’的主角们就是机车骑士,是一群小混混,看人不爽就痛扁一顿,之后再走人。歌曲的曲风也是飞轮海的新尝试,庞克摇滚。MV更是拍得完美,飞轮海在沙漠般的场景里搭配着摩托机车,演出撕裂式的爱情。有美美的MV加上意味深远的词,这首歌曲一定会成为KTV的热门点播。
4. 恒星- 汪东城主演的偶像剧《翻滚吧!蛋炒饭》的主题曲,也是在专辑里较快节奏的歌。不知为什么这首歌的声量比其他的歌还小,第二段的部分更严重,辰亦儒的部分几乎听不到。感觉好老的一首歌,因为最早的版本在08年5月已经出现了。那时副歌的部分是由炎亚纶所唱的,而收录在专辑里的同一段却是由大东来诠释。当初觉得这首歌的歌词满有意思的,“你的微笑像火柴 划过我心脏动脉…”,可惜配了一个没什么看头的偶像剧,浪费了。
5. 默默- 一首温暖的情歌,开头有点像lullaby, 听起来很舒服。歌曲的音域很广,四位成员都各自负责不同的音域,最低的是吴尊而炎亚纶是最高。慢版曲风,轻轻的背景音乐更能凸显飞轮海最真实的声音,听了后真的要说飞轮海的歌声进步了!
6. 最佳听众- 很可爱的一首歌,创作S.H.E《怎么办》的大马创作歌手李志清延续了轻快曲子的作风,加上了姚若龙简单又明了的词,就蹦出一首快乐又有意思的歌。歌曲非常琅琅上口,讲的是朋友之间的默契及体谅,积极又有趣的歌是唱给歌迷也是唱给团员彼此的,大家永远会是最佳排挡。
7. 留下来- 五月天怪兽创作的曲子,调调还真得很‘五月天’,可是还是少了五月天那种首首致瘾的感觉。歌曲偏向轻摇滚,也有boyband的feel,但不欠缺情感,做得不错。整首歌的音域都较高,大多听到炎亚纶和辰亦儒的声音,似乎没有吴尊~
8. 孤单摩天轮- 听一百遍也不会腻的歌,因为真的很好听。一首失恋歌,但是没失恋听了后也很想哭。歌词很动听,描述着一种无助的心情。副歌的歌词写道“再一圈,再飞一圈就好…”,非常催泪。飞轮海在这首歌里的情感拿捏的很好,感人但不会太做作。
9. 雨是眼泪- 翻唱瑞典歌手Darin Zanyar的英文歌‘Why Does It Rain’。飞轮海的版本的音域比原唱的版本低一些,听起来蛮深情。对比两个版本是多余的,因为飞轮海把歌曲诠释得很有自己的感觉,很独特。唱起这一类的歌,飞轮海似乎也在音乐上有了upgrade, 不再唱偶像歌手最拿手的商业化曲调,由此升级了很多。
10. 你应该被珍惜- 歌名字多就会发生一种现象,就是容易被遗忘。这首歌其实很不错,但就因为歌名太长、太普通,所以没让我留下什么印象。同上一首一样,这首歌也是一首翻唱曲,是美国黑人歌手Joe的‘Another Used To Be’。歌曲的风格是Slow jam,整首歌的曲子有很多的变化,没有一个突破性的点来让大家有印象。只能说浪费了炎亚纶的嗓音。这首歌曲真的‘应该被珍惜’,可惜少了点什么。
11. Touch Your Heart- 只收录在台湾/中国以外的专辑里的bonus track. 取代了F4代言台湾观光天使,飞轮海也录制了一首台湾观光主题曲。F4唱的观光主题曲是《在这里等你》。F4的虽轻快,但比较成熟,飞轮海的则是精力充沛加热闹的。歌曲中不断重复的‘Ilha Formosa’是葡萄牙语的‘台湾’,意思是‘美丽的岛屿’。听完了这首歌,真是想立刻去台湾游山玩水尝美食!
推荐曲:寂寞暴走 默默 最佳听众 留下来 孤单摩天轮 雨是眼泪
1. 动脉- 炎亚纶主演的《霹雳MIT》的主题曲,是一首快节奏、热血的歌曲。背景音乐含有电子音和特效,肯定会令人沸腾。只可惜,合声团的声音大了点,听起来也有些粗糙,盖过了飞轮海的声音。应该也是一首后期制作到暴的歌,很遗憾,有点瑕疵。
2. 越来越爱- 一改以往走的阳光男孩路线,飞轮海这次大玩乐团摇滚/视觉系庞克摇滚风,首波主打‘越来越爱’就是想让歌迷见识他们狂野的一面,很band的感觉。飞轮海用这首歌让歌迷们知道他们越来越爱歌迷们,恰巧的是,歌词写的就是歌迷的心声,“怎麼辦我越來越愛 高舉著最誇張燈牌 第一個衝到第一排 比誰都快 為你哭 為你笑 為你down 為你high 不抵抗 不耍賴 不悔改 管他的青紅或皂白只要對你崇拜”。歌迷崇拜偶像的心情写得也太精确了吧~
3. 寂寞暴走- ‘暴走’是一种现象的称法,代表‘暴力后走人’,最先在日本开始。‘暴走族’的主角们就是机车骑士,是一群小混混,看人不爽就痛扁一顿,之后再走人。歌曲的曲风也是飞轮海的新尝试,庞克摇滚。MV更是拍得完美,飞轮海在沙漠般的场景里搭配着摩托机车,演出撕裂式的爱情。有美美的MV加上意味深远的词,这首歌曲一定会成为KTV的热门点播。
4. 恒星- 汪东城主演的偶像剧《翻滚吧!蛋炒饭》的主题曲,也是在专辑里较快节奏的歌。不知为什么这首歌的声量比其他的歌还小,第二段的部分更严重,辰亦儒的部分几乎听不到。感觉好老的一首歌,因为最早的版本在08年5月已经出现了。那时副歌的部分是由炎亚纶所唱的,而收录在专辑里的同一段却是由大东来诠释。当初觉得这首歌的歌词满有意思的,“你的微笑像火柴 划过我心脏动脉…”,可惜配了一个没什么看头的偶像剧,浪费了。
5. 默默- 一首温暖的情歌,开头有点像lullaby, 听起来很舒服。歌曲的音域很广,四位成员都各自负责不同的音域,最低的是吴尊而炎亚纶是最高。慢版曲风,轻轻的背景音乐更能凸显飞轮海最真实的声音,听了后真的要说飞轮海的歌声进步了!
6. 最佳听众- 很可爱的一首歌,创作S.H.E《怎么办》的大马创作歌手李志清延续了轻快曲子的作风,加上了姚若龙简单又明了的词,就蹦出一首快乐又有意思的歌。歌曲非常琅琅上口,讲的是朋友之间的默契及体谅,积极又有趣的歌是唱给歌迷也是唱给团员彼此的,大家永远会是最佳排挡。
7. 留下来- 五月天怪兽创作的曲子,调调还真得很‘五月天’,可是还是少了五月天那种首首致瘾的感觉。歌曲偏向轻摇滚,也有boyband的feel,但不欠缺情感,做得不错。整首歌的音域都较高,大多听到炎亚纶和辰亦儒的声音,似乎没有吴尊~
8. 孤单摩天轮- 听一百遍也不会腻的歌,因为真的很好听。一首失恋歌,但是没失恋听了后也很想哭。歌词很动听,描述着一种无助的心情。副歌的歌词写道“再一圈,再飞一圈就好…”,非常催泪。飞轮海在这首歌里的情感拿捏的很好,感人但不会太做作。
9. 雨是眼泪- 翻唱瑞典歌手Darin Zanyar的英文歌‘Why Does It Rain’。飞轮海的版本的音域比原唱的版本低一些,听起来蛮深情。对比两个版本是多余的,因为飞轮海把歌曲诠释得很有自己的感觉,很独特。唱起这一类的歌,飞轮海似乎也在音乐上有了upgrade, 不再唱偶像歌手最拿手的商业化曲调,由此升级了很多。
10. 你应该被珍惜- 歌名字多就会发生一种现象,就是容易被遗忘。这首歌其实很不错,但就因为歌名太长、太普通,所以没让我留下什么印象。同上一首一样,这首歌也是一首翻唱曲,是美国黑人歌手Joe的‘Another Used To Be’。歌曲的风格是Slow jam,整首歌的曲子有很多的变化,没有一个突破性的点来让大家有印象。只能说浪费了炎亚纶的嗓音。这首歌曲真的‘应该被珍惜’,可惜少了点什么。
11. Touch Your Heart- 只收录在台湾/中国以外的专辑里的bonus track. 取代了F4代言台湾观光天使,飞轮海也录制了一首台湾观光主题曲。F4唱的观光主题曲是《在这里等你》。F4的虽轻快,但比较成熟,飞轮海的则是精力充沛加热闹的。歌曲中不断重复的‘Ilha Formosa’是葡萄牙语的‘台湾’,意思是‘美丽的岛屿’。听完了这首歌,真是想立刻去台湾游山玩水尝美食!
推荐曲:寂寞暴走 默默 最佳听众 留下来 孤单摩天轮 雨是眼泪
Friday, January 2, 2009
炎亚纶,鬼鬼,范玮琪,小鬼,陆廷威 领衔主演
‘MIT’ 是‘Mysterious Incredible Terminator’ 的缩写,也代表了每一位霹雳MIT的成员都是神秘、不可思议的终结者。这部令人匪夷所思,和以往的偶像剧不归一类的[霹雳MIT]是由偶像团体飞轮海成员之一的炎亚纶单杠男主角,女主角则是黑Girls之一的鬼鬼所饰演。其他演员也包括今年在台湾顺利开了两场个人演唱会的范玮琪,主持娱乐百分白的小鬼,和主演过[爱杀17]的陆廷威。陆廷威的角色原本是由杨士宣来单杠的,可是后者因惹上法律问题而被迫离开演艺圈。霹雳MIT也因为这件事而必须重拍,导致演出时间与播出时间将近有一年之久。
炎亚纶,鬼鬼,范玮琪,小鬼,陆廷威 领衔主演
‘MIT’ 是‘Mysterious Incredible Terminator’ 的缩写,也代表了每一位霹雳MIT的成员都是神秘、不可思议的终结者。这部令人匪夷所思,和以往的偶像剧不归一类的[霹雳MIT]是由偶像团体飞轮海成员之一的炎亚纶单杠男主角,女主角则是黑Girls之一的鬼鬼所饰演。其他演员也包括今年在台湾顺利开了两场个人演唱会的范玮琪,主持娱乐百分白的小鬼,和主演过[爱杀17]的陆廷威。陆廷威的角色原本是由杨士宣来单杠的,可是后者因惹上法律问题而被迫离开演艺圈。霹雳MIT也因为这件事而必须重拍,导致演出时间与播出时间将近有一年之久。
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