Sunday, November 30, 2008

黄靖伦 《伦语录》 Review

还是分开研究三位的专辑... 没很想听女生的那张...

第二:Kelly是那届Superstar的女子组冠军而Derrick则是男子组的季军,两人都沉淀了一阵子才发专辑(其实这是Kelly的第二第三张专辑you know?,第一张匆匆地发,也匆匆地被人淡忘,第二张我完全没印象。Derrick则是因为去当兵,保卫祖国,所以现在才发首张专辑。)。黄靖伦才进入星光五强就惨遭淘汰,可是却幸运地被华纳(Warner Music)看重,被签下当歌手发唱片,一切的一切发生也只短短的几个月。
第五:你随便在街上问任何人他们认得三位新近歌手吗?答案八成是NO。所以既然三位都往台湾发展,那么在台湾的成绩应该比较实在。那也表示黄靖伦先生是略占优势地。嘿嘿。But,Kelly and Derrick 在新加坡的知名度is没人能取代的,at least to their supporters la.

黄靖伦 《伦语录》 ★★★☆☆
1)每日一句 - 轻快甜蜜的一首歌。音域蛮高,所以想在KTV唱这首歌的男生应该需要降音。中文发音过关,可是要注意‘’念‘’, 不是 'drì', 就像‘’念‘’ 不念‘drè’ 一样。歌曲也欠缺感情的投入,可能是因为黄同学太注重咬字及唱歌技巧,忘了把感情灌入歌曲里吧。
2)月光 - 一首前段比副歌好听的歌。这首歌曲诠释得很不错,感情是做到了,多了份共鸣。副歌部分的音真的蛮高,听多了会觉得有点刺耳。黄同学, ‘’念‘jìu’, as in ‘zh-iò’, like ‘chio’, not ‘jew’. Get me? Hope so ah…音域仍然蛮高,所以想在KTV唱这首歌的男生应该也需要降音。
3)缺席 - 听着听着,真想问,黄靖伦是不是perfect pitch? 因为听他唱歌时真的会听到一种共鸣,是一种我拉二胡高八度时听到的那种共鸣。哈哈。回到正题,歌词结尾部分写到在你的未来缺席 像是一出剧本未完待续 预留伏笔 把未完成从容继续 如果还有如果 就算瞬间老去毫不犹豫” ,帅。歌曲高超的部分很有感染力,听得都想跟着哼唱,蛮好K的歌。音域还算不太高,所以想在KTV唱这首歌的男生应该不需要降太多key。
4)明天再说 - 有点神经质的歌,跟林宥嘉的[病态]雷同,但少了[病态]的变态及新鲜感。歌曲的调调如马戏团般,是轻松的,可是黄靖伦唱得却很有力。童话故事里的美丽被甚麽给戳破 关於真的假的要教我如何捉摸 好多人戴着面具勉强着不甘示弱 猜测着明天是福是祸” 一针见血的歌词,赞!只可惜那么酷的一首歌被埋藏在一个没太有创意的歌名中。音域仍高,所以想在KTV唱这首歌的男生还是应该需要降音。
5)慢半拍 - 很有趣的歌名,是反映黄靖伦有点迟钝的感觉吗? 蛮耐听得一首歌,歌词感人,能成为下一首主打歌。可是,前段部分低音部分听出了黄靖伦唱得吃力,有点唱不到低音,幸好高音部分弥补回了。音域很高,所以想在KTV唱这首歌的男生想必会降key。
6)我的天 - 轻快跳跃的曲风有点90年代的感觉,却也参杂了Rap,听到了黄靖伦挑战抒情歌以外的另一面。歌词中的“Oh我的天”“唉呀”都是现代人的口头禅,听起来格外亲切。音域还Ok,可是偶尔有些凡人碰不到的高音,所以想在KTV唱这首歌的男生应该会唱到破音。
7)懒 - 听起来就是一首很慵懒的歌,非常适合在下午时分边看着夕阳边听,是一首很laid back的歌,反复听了也不会觉得腻。非常喜欢歌词里的这一句“继续 假装努力 的生活,因为连唱的感觉也很懒。音域超级高,所以想在KTV唱这首歌的男生应该非得降音不可。
8)走音 - 也是一首歌名有趣的歌。李伟菘的曲的确很动听,让大家听到黄靖伦飙高音以外的唱腔。没有如其他歌曲那样刻意地展示黄靖伦的高音,却以普通的音域展现了黄靖伦深情的一面。由姚若龙写的歌词的意境虽然看起来拐弯,可是却一点就明。很感伤的歌,可是真得很好听。妳的愛情在走音 變成另一個旋律 我還在執迷 拼了命去合音… 選錯歌 唱再用心也無力,这首抒情的情歌应该能成为KTV热门点播。音域一般,所以想在KTV唱这首歌的男生应该不用降音。
9)白日梦 - 是我最喜欢做的白日梦吗? 这首歌却有些狂野,绝对是一个疯狂、常做明星梦的老兄的白日梦。李思菘的这一曲偏向摇滚,也有一点复古的感觉,如 80年代的Rock & Roll. 诶?听起来还真有点像Track6的 [我的天]。很有party感的一首歌,听多了会high掉。音域有高有低,所以想在KTV唱这首歌的男生你们好自为知,哈哈。
10)傻里傻气 - 是描述黄靖伦的个性吗? 不不不,黄靖伦是唱着作词人月光鱼的歌,虽然应该不是为黄靖伦量身订造的歌,可是这首歌却蛮好听,而且还是(我觉得啦)咬字最清楚的歌!曲是由新加坡音乐人林倛玉作的,林倛玉的其他作品有:[我的爱]孙燕姿、[庆幸有你爱我]蔡淳佳、[原罪犯]张学友 etc. 他自己的 [同花顺] 更是好听![傻里傻气]听起来很舒服,虽然是专辑里的最后一首歌,但绝对不是拿来垫底的。这首歌的音域一般,所以想在KTV唱这首歌的男生应该不用降音啦。

推荐曲:缺席 慢半拍 走音 傻里傻气

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Laughed with shame.

HaHAHahHAhaHAhAhHAHAHAhAhHAhHAhahAhahAhhahHAHahahaHahahHA. haiz.
Why laugh? I laughed because it was so humorous. Why sigh? I sighed because my laughter was actually painful. I have this feeling that people out there might have this thinking that Singaporeans are all like them. Like who? Watch these.

康熙來了 2008-11-14 pt.1/5 08秋季新人大赏
[Part 1]
[Part 2]
[Part 3]
[Part 4]
[Part 5]

I bet you Dee Hsu (小S) was snickering insanely in her heart and thinking that those Singaporeans are retards or something. Their conversations were seriously 鸡同鸭讲, their brainwaves were of different frequencies and they were not even answering to the hosts' questions!

And I thought the disgrace would end there. NO, i was wrong.
I watched 我爱黑涩会this morning on cable and the 3 Singaporean singers were on it too. Similarly, they seemed incomprehensive and the atmosphere was terribly awkward.
~(Still searching for the videos of 黑涩会)
Found them: Lookie here, the title explains it all...
我愛黑澀會 2008-11-28 pt.1/5 他們憑什麼發片? 黃靖倫, 潘嘉麗,何維健
[Part 1]
[Part 2]
[Part 3]
[Part 4]
[Part 5]

Luckily, they managed to 'save face' by singing and awed those Taiwanese by their voices. See la, being a Chinese but cannot communicate properly in Mandarin... See the reason to my sigh?

Thursday, November 27, 2008


I'm no Facebook fanatic, my account is as good as dead, I accept friend requests as I think it would be rude not to do so. I can live perfectly fine without having to check my Facebook account or to poke people I am half familiar with. I went to checked my account yesterday and was only shock to see the number of requests and invitations I have, what's more questionable is that how the hell does the rest of the world find that much time to live literally off Facebook?
Some of the requests I've got sound extremely hideous. Like, what is "Sexy Request"? What is "Cute Japanese Request"? What is "Chick-a-dee Request"? What is what's that again? -.-'''
Here's those requests/invitations that have been accumulating.
No, I don't think anyone can see them. I shall cut and paste...

Woa, super blurred. Aiya never mind, no difference, I don't read them anyway. Haha.

BUT, I shall not "ignore" the requests, I shall let them accumulate more and more and more and more and more and more..................


Damn that Leaf-footed Bug that landed on my towel.
Within that few seconds it was on my towel, it laid 6 eggs.
The eggs were so tiny that I didn't even notice them.
It was my brother who saw them and told me about it.
Thank God he saw them, or else I would have used it to wipe my face or body with it already.

Why does the eggs look like papaya seeds? How gross.

This is how the culprit looks like. I didn't manage to get a picture of it on my towel. You bug, if I get to see you again, you are going to be as dead as the squashed beetle outside my toilet floor. Just in case you are wondering how that's gonna be like, here it is. Pardon me for having a house that looks more like an insectarium.

There Goes My Thailand Trip:(

Sawatdee Kaa?!?! Funny.
I've been anticipating this trip since August and now you tell me it’s cancelled?!?!?!
Just the next day after we've booked our tickets, you tell us there is an Emergency. We all thought this child's game would end soon.
We were utterly wrong.
Everything just got worse.
Just two days shy that great day; you come and tell us all flights are cancelled?
Excuse me?!?!?
What are you people doing?
Come on, get a life.
You hate Thaksin, you hate Somchai, now you are making me hate you.
I learnt from History class that you are "the friendliest people in Southeast Asia", and that you are very dependent on tourism for the survival of your economy.
And now?
You are halting all flights in and out of your capital.
Eh, thank you ah, but you've just made my life miserable by a whole lot.
Go on, continue this ugly thing, spare no lives, keep fighting,
You don't know what's what anyway.
The guy you want is not even there,
He might be kiao-ing(shaking) his khar(leg) now while you are staging this pointless uprising.
Why do you even hate that guy?
Cos' he stole your money and invested it on a government project?
Cos' he sold the country's assets to a foreign company?
And then?
So what?
What has it really got to do with you?
Governments all over the world are doing things their citizens so often disagree to.
Is what you are doing really necessary?
You are already deviating from your stand.
Now you target another guy,
The latter's brother-in-law.
Haha, so what did this guy do to offend you?
Being related to the previous guy?
Please, stop acting smart.
Where is my idol Bhumibol?
He is so old already, please do not stress him up further with this initially-trivial-but-aggravated-by-you-harebrained-peeps thing.
It's a political thing, and your irrationality have made it turn into a social unrest.
Now, you better reflect upon yourselves
And swallow that hand grenade in your hand.
Drop all batons and whatsoever weapons you have.
Love each other like how you always had.
Disperse from the streets and get back to your stalls.
Engage in healthier activities like, you know,
Imagine Songkhran and spray water on each other instead,
Tend your crop field,
Cook more Tom Yum Goong,
Offering an incense to the four-face Buddha,
Bargaining a price with tourists,
Getting prepared for that transvestites performance,
Anything away from violence.
Bye, and Chok Dee (Good luck).

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

张敬轩《Urban Emotions》Review

Okay, this is a Cantonese album that I really like a lot.

张敬轩《Urban Emotions》 ★★★★☆

在香港乐坛占有一定位子的Hins 很幸运地拥有了一个那么优秀的幕后制作团队。在这张《Urban Emotions》里,几乎每一首歌都得到不错的评价。专辑共收录了12首歌曲,其中的两首是美国当红黑人歌手,Rihanna, 红遍大街小巷的 [Hate That I Love You] 的remix版。也有一首是敬轩上一张广东大碟《酷爱》的同名主打歌的中文翻唱。这绝对是一张非常值回价格的专辑,里头的惊喜是远远超过你的想象。

1.他的故事- 一首温馨主打,敬轩清而不腻的声音只让人想一听再听他那口中的故事。真假音的转换也很顺,展现了敬轩出色的歌唱技巧。

2.愿望树上- 一首节奏较急的歌,并不好唱。这首歌述说被女孩嫌弃的男孩,歌词写得有点悲观,甚至有点变态,跟编曲搭起来有画龙点睛的效果。

3.樱花树下- 与上一首[树上]同一位作词家,这首[树下]就如上一首的下集。同样的是叙说未追到女孩的男孩的单恋故事。不同的则是这首歌写得比较凄凉但又带点浪漫。歌曲蛮动听,应该是宅男们在KTV的热门点播。

4.隐形人- 敬轩用了很多力气唱的一首歌,几乎雷同摇滚的歌,可是听多了却不会觉得厌烦或腻。声线偏离爆发力唱腔的敬轩唱起快歌来也别有一番味道。

5.夜宴- 填词大师林夕的作品,曲则是由[树上]的冯翰铭写的。两位大师的作品加在一起却显得有点不足。有如Cinderella & Prince Charming的故事,敬轩却唱不太出来歌曲的意境。

6.酩酊天使- 另一首在专辑中给人惊喜的一首歌。“酩酊” is what?!? 我查过了,表示喝醉的意思。歌词蛮感人,叙说了失去朋友的思念。这天使给世上的朋友活下去的鼓励,敬轩唱的有点哽咽的感觉,是一首重情绪又感人的好歌。

7.不吐不快- 也是林夕的词,可是这首歌就给我留下更深刻的印象。一口气唱多个字应该是这首歌的特点吧。大家可以去KTV试唱看,你们能憋够气又唱得那么投入吗?敬轩做到了。

8.雪花抄- 网络游戏的主题曲,也是我个人觉得感染力较大的一首歌。副歌部分琅琅上口,会让人想一听再听。

9.Déjà vu- 属于比较不一样调调的歌,有点Jazz也有点R&B的曲风。听起来蛮舒服的。可是跟其它的歌曲比起来,敬轩不像这首歌的主人,发呢日被割去控制住了,少了些情感及投入。

10.Hate That I Love You (粤)(Rihanna+Hins)- 基本上,Rihanna 的部分几乎完完全全盖过敬轩的部分,听起来敬轩比较像个配角。可是这样的Remix蛮新鲜的,给人不一样的感觉。

11.Hate That I Love You (国)(Rihanna+Hins)- 如同上一首。就这样。是用来充数的吗?
12.吻得太逼真- 中文版的《酷爱》,跟粤语版的一样让人上瘾。是给忽略掉的中文乐坛的交代吗?这首歌让整张专辑更完美。

这张《Urban Emotions》让大家听出了张敬轩的唱功,他的进步是实在的,也再次证明了他以摆脱那默默无名“广州小柄”的样子,已唱出自己的地位了。

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

林俊杰 JJ陆 Review

Another album which I have bought awhile ago. Look at what he is wearing! Chequered for everything! Gosh, I'm at a loss of words. Not to mention that bowtie of his too.

林俊杰《JJ陸》 ★★★
A power-packed ablum, 15 tracks in total, a must-buy for JJ’s fans. This CD has so much in it, definitely worth the price you pay for. Apart from JJ’s voice alone, you will get to hear voices including Charlene Choi, FAMA, Machi and Kym Jin. Contributors and producers of this much-goodness-in-one-album include Ah Shin of Mayday, Fang Wen Shan, Billy Koh, and this list goes on. Apart from the weird outfit JJ is in, this album is almost flawless, and definitely worth listening.

1. Sixology- An intro, JJ’s own words and feelings he wants to convey to people.

2.不潮不用花钱High Fashion- A little disco, a little techno, a little hip hop. The rhythm is heavy and punchy, while the lyrics are crappy. This song can get onto one’s nerves especially if put on repeat. I almost had a mental breakdown whilst listening to the song on repeat mode just to figure out what the lyrics meant. How irritating can it get when JJ sings “Kou Kou” for 12 times! What’s worse is that after so many times of listening to it while reading the lyrics, I still do not get the full picture. What is “叩叩 (kou kou)”, what is “扣扣 (kou kou)” and what is “抠抠 (kou kou)”? I do know that the first pair represents the sound of knocking, while the second is something like a button, or subtracting something, and the third one means digging. So? What has these got to do with fashion or money? I’m simply confused after listening to this song. However, I do have to admit that this song is quite a hit, especially with its catchy tune and lyrics (like you know, kou kou X12). Something different from the romantic ballades that JJ is good at, another playful and energetic side of him for us to hear. Miscellaneous info: This song has caused some hooha some time ago for plagiarism, the songs that netizens claimed JJ copied included [I Hate This Part] by The Pussycat Dolls, [Life is a Roller Coaster] by Ronan Keating and [碰碰] by IPIS. I specially went to listen to those above mentioned songs, and I have to say that Keating’s number does have a slight resemblance to JJ’s at the beginning of the song, but that’s just it. Plagiarism? Not quite. Coincidence, I suppose.

3.小酒窝 (feat. TWINS' 阿Sa) Dimples- A sweet and romantic duet with should-be-defunct-even-if-its-not Hong Kong girl group Twins’ Charlene Choi. Finally! A duet of JJ that is not sung with Kym Jin (金莎), that also means new chemistry. This duet is actually a prelude to the collaboration of Ocean Butterflies and Emperor Entertainment Group (EEG). It seems that in this dying economy, collusion is the way to survive. Hehheh, kidding. A definite karaoke hit.

4.黑武士Lord Vader- A marvelous pair, a surprising result, this song is great! Mayday’s lead vocalist, Ah Shin, is the lyricist of this song while JJ composes to this “dark knight”. The tune is very JJ-style, similar to his previous hits such as [木乃伊] Mummy, and the lyrics are also very Mayday, and voila, a unique and awesome collaboration.

5.醉赤壁 Tale Of The Red Cliff- From the title of the song, it’s not difficult to guess who the lyricist is. Bingo, it is Fang Wen Shan, Jay Chou’s good-friend-cum-exclusive-lyricist, and no prize for that. This song is simply like any other 中国风Chinese-traditional-oriental (gosh, is there any proper word for it?) songs, not much surprise in this song. I’m getting rather bored with singers trying out the Chinese-traditional genre kind of song because they are kind of repetitive and similar, worse off when they get the same old guy to write the lyrics for the song. Agree?

6.由你选择(featuring农夫FAMA) The Choice Is Yours- This song features yet another Hong Kong band group called FAMA, it incorporates Cantonese lyrics as well and sounds extremely like a HK street music. R&B plus a little techno, this song is sure something fresh in the Mandarin music industry. We sure can tell that JJ is trying to break into the Cantonese industry, now that he have already carved a name for himself in both Taiwan and Mainland China. It’s not difficult, especially for talented JJ who always has surprises for his supporters.

7.Always Online- From that cheesy title, it’s obvious that this song is written for some online gaming/portal/service/whatever advertisement. Likening a relationship to an online game? Wow, life sure seems easy, like, where else can you be blessed with three lives? Anyway, this is one pleasant song that has a catchy tune, “3, 2, 1 I’m always online…” How nice.

8.街道 The Streets- Fast and Hip song, rather different from what JJ usually does, but JJ’s distinctive voice makes this alien rhythm sound familiar. Love the "wakau (哇靠)" and "walau (哇唠)". This song proves to all who thinks that JJ can only sing safe smooth rhythms; he has a rough and wild side that wants to have fun too.

9.主角(featuring Machi) Centerstage- Is JJ trying to have as many collaborations with different people as possible? In this song he partners Taiwanese Hip Hop group Machi and came out with this extreme fusion, I hear Indian-style, Chinese-style, Hip Hop and R&B in this song! All praise for JJ for his boldness in producing this song, it sounds so out of the norm yet interesting. For people who find this song excessively noisy, I do have to agree with you, but why not listen to it and pay hard attention to its lyrics, cos’ it definitely holds much more than it seems.

10.我还想她 I Still Miss Her- A melancholic song, so romantic yet so painful. JJ’s slow ballades are very moving and can be very addictive. This song deserves to be listened over and over again, as JJ pours his emotions onto the song, singing out the struggles and denial of the dead relationship in the song.

11.点一把火炬Light the torch- A song written specially for the Beijing Olympics Torch Relay. I thought the Olympics Torch Relay was supposed to be energetic and fun? But why does this song sound so solemn? It initially sounds like a song written for the Sichuan earthquake, until you’ve heard the other song written for that purpose. No doubt, this song is pleasant and rather motivational. Something like a national day song, you know? Yeah.

12.期待爱(featuring Kym Jin) Longing- Not a new song, whoever that saw the advertisement of Wall’s Cornetto ice-cream will find this song familiar. It’s a duet with JJ’s usual partner, Kym Jin. This song is extremely catchy, it sounds so sweet and happy that it might simply explode with confetti bursting out all over the place anytime. A duet version of [期待你的爱]which is sang by JJ alone. And not to be confused with [发现爱], another duet by JJ and Kym that is also written for the same ice-cream brand previously.

13.Cries In A Distance- An English song with lyrics written by JJ himself. It is the English rendition of a previous track, Always Online. This version definitely sounds better and has more depth than its Mandarin counterpart. More emotions are felt in this song and that is all that makes any difference. Love this version; love how the lyrics seem so incomprehensible.

14.爱与希望(featuring 重庆市青少年宫银杏童声合唱团)Love, Hope- Tada, this is the song written specially for the Sichuan quake. How nice of JJ to write a song within such a short time after the quake, it indeed provided much warmth and encouragement for the victims and their family members. A simple tune with motivational lyrics, with the choir of children’s voices in the background, the most sincere form of music.

15.小酒窝(粤)(feat. TWINS' 阿Sa) Dimples- The Cantonese version of track 3. It has different lyrics and is rather different to the Mandarin version. I find this version nicer and way more impressive, JJ’s Cantonese sounds almost perfect, to me at least. Nice one!

Overall, it is a heavy-duty album that definitely excites one. Turn up the volume if you want to have fun and just immerse yourself in JJ’s wonder. Selling only for S$16.90 at CD-RAMA, it’s definitely a steal.

Monday, November 24, 2008

High School Musical 3: Senior Year

High School Musical 3: Senior Year ☆☆☆

Okay, I went to watch this movie with my sister today. Seriously speaking, this final sequel is kind of disappointing. I could have spent that 112 minutes of my life doing something more meaningful, such as taking a stroll downstairs my house. Thank you very much, but no more High School Musicals for me. I do not understand why the kids in the movie are fussing so much over college life and where to go whatsoever. Sequence of events was so messed up and everything was rushed. Choreography of dances was not as interesting and explosive as the previous two, and the story line lacks. Probably everyone was just trying to end this fast, or perhaps the leads Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens just wanna put time away for themselves. Whatever it is, this movie is a little too bland for cinema standard. The only parts worth my watch were the parts of the theatrical performance and when Lucas Grabeel looked hot (but he looked very gay for most of the movie). As compared to HSM 1 and 2, HSM3 lacked the vibe, energy, hip, originality, elegance, warmth and connectivity. Audience were perhaps the last people on earth to feel the intensity of events in the movie, such as getting into a favoured college, parting with high school friends and hating that bitch who betrayed you. Oh, did I mention the obscurity of the plot? Why was there this extra female with that British accent in the movie?!? Her role was so unnecessary. Sharpay’s character as the villain is enough; we do not need two irritating blonds in a movie, especially when the impact is so little. I think the most memorable scenes of the show have got to be:
1. When Troy and Gabriella danced waltz in the rain. Everyone was just trying to see if her dress would fly high enough to expose her undies every time she twirled.
2. When Troy’s rusty pick-up truck coughs and smokes up. I swear that old pick-up has more screen time than many other actors in the show.
3. When Sharpay and that British girl danced and vied for the single spotlight. It was just so silly; I can’t help but remember it.

Oh, thank god these kids have graduated! No more wild cats, no more HSM!

Did I mention? I actually enjoyed watching HSM 1 and 2 on Disney channel years ago. Maybe I was still young then, yup, that's the reason.

许仁杰 梦见 Review

许仁杰 梦见 ★★★


1. [花树下的约定] 词曲一手包办,许仁杰真的很重视自己第一次主演的同名客家偶像剧 [花树下的约定] ,连主题曲也自己来。这首歌曲虽然听起来挺简单,可是能让大家听出许仁杰的用心及创意。歌曲里头加了客家话,“快快来去跟着你”, “谢谢你” 和 “树桠上开着奇迹” 都是用客家话唱的。对客家话一窍不通的我听了这首歌后也学会了讲三句客家话哦!大家也一样吧!哈哈。

2. [梦见] 一首动人的情歌没错,可是不知为何每次听CD时听到这首歌都会呼吸困难。不是因为兴奋或哮喘,而是因为歌曲的节奏有点太~慢~了。跟上一首[花树下的约定] 比较轻快的节奏比起来,这首 [梦见] 慢得痛苦。虽然歌曲是忧伤的,可是的确是蛮优美的。

3. [有什么] 这首歌是一首必须听了大概三次才听出感动在哪儿的歌。有什么~不对吗? 没有啦,只是觉得歌曲就是一首很平凡的抒情情歌,副歌带点R&B的感觉,就这样。

4. [忘了说爱你] R&B的情歌,但是是一首比较轻快又较少抱负的歌。比起 [梦见] 和 [有什么] 两首比较重感情的歌,这首歌听起来更加轻松。可是有一个问题,歌词似乎不配曲子,词是比较伤感的,应该让人有鼻酸的感觉,可是编曲却是轻快开朗的感觉,有点不搭调。


周定纬 So What Review

周定纬 So What ★★★☆☆

还记得在“愛.星光精選-昨天 今天 明天”合辑里周定纬的那首[我不会唱歌]吗? 那时的他已经向全世界声明:都说我不会唱歌 我的嗓音没有那麼独特 但我保持一份自信 保留我的个性 你们说我还行不行 别说我不会唱歌我的声音就算没有特色 可是我还有份热情 要让你们开心 你们说我还行不行没有独特的嗓音是个缺点,因为会少了辨识度,可是周定纬好在声音耐听,唱歌的感觉给人是舒服的,那就很够了。怎么说,还是新人嘛,哪可能一步登天啦?

1. [寂寞包厢] 一首带有中国风又是嘻哈的歌,听起来格外新鲜。副歌部分的你在什么地方,那是谁的地方,靠在谁的肩膀,让谁吻你脸庞…” 非常琅琅上口,很容易让人记住这很有节奏性的歌。周定纬也有参与写Rap部分的词,让大家见识了他唱歌跳舞以外的小小天分。看过这首歌曲的MV的人都应该发现周定纬的确瘦了不少,之前肉肉的脸也变成了瓜子脸,帅多了。

2. [So What] 一首周定纬擅长的曲风,快节奏的摇滚参嘻哈的歌。歌曲Rap的部分比较多,有如周定纬想利用歌曲向各位宣言些什么,类似[我不会唱歌]呛声、自我推荐、自我表现的感觉。可是,和[我不会唱歌]比起来,[So What] 好想少了些什么,没有 [我不会唱歌] 那样地令人印象深刻。副歌部分的“So What, So What, So What” 听多了也会腻,何况还是反复地重复了24次。

3. [远在身边] 蛮令人敬畏的一首抒情歌。周定纬把歌曲唱得暖暖的,听起来很舒服,听多了也不会腻。如果唱片公司多推荐这首歌,那绝对能成为热一首门点播的K歌。原来周定纬不只是能唱快歌,慢歌也能唱得如此有感觉。

4. [You Are Not Alone] 翻唱Michael Jackson的歌曲,可说是周定纬本人非常喜欢的歌,观众朋友们第一次听到周定纬唱这首歌时是今年初在上完全娱乐的新年特备节目里唱的。唱的感觉很不错,没有MJ的影子,英文咬字发音也没问题,听起来也是蛮舒服的。只可惜,歌曲虽好听,可是声音辨识度低还是一个弥补不了的缺点,听来听去也只听到一首被翻唱的老歌,没有什么暴点。

潘裕文 夏雨诗 Review

潘裕文 夏雨诗 ★★★☆☆


1. [夏雨诗] 一首非常有文艺气息的歌曲,看歌名就知道了。“下雨湿”是我原本以为的歌名,没想到竟然是那么有深度的名字啊!Summer Rain Poetry, what can be as intriguing as that? 听起来,歌曲一定不好唱。起歌部分和副歌的节奏达不相同,力度得一直换,不音符也很广。就如一首诗一样,歌曲含着很多,听众得仔细的听才能获得最多。

2. [老夫老妻] 原本还以为是一首涌来充数的歌,可是多听几次后我竟然也喜欢上了这首歌。曲子简单,歌词也蛮口语化,可是就是因为这样的简单与直接,让真正的情感流露出来。歌词描述了一对情侣,应该是相恋了很久的夫妻。彼此之间少了“浪漫”、“温柔”而且还多了“嫌西嫌东”及“啰嗦”, 可是这也是因为夫妻间以产生了一定的默契和宽容。听了会给人甜滋滋的感觉。

3. [我和你从未分手] 我很喜欢的歌,副歌部分节奏性强,很容易就让人想一听再听。唯一的问题就是起歌部分的好长,等了块半分钟才听到歌手的声音。基本上是一首蛮耐人寻味的歌。

4. [心理的狮子] 歌曲记录了潘裕文参加 [超级星光大道] 比赛的心情。原本也只是一个种菜的小子,如今已变成了少女们心中的王子。这一切走来并不容易,尤其对一个对自己没有很多自信的人来说。还记得当初的潘裕文是一个驼背、唱歌咬字不清的男孩,现在却成为下一个情歌王子。“一夕改变的命运 一夜长大的必须 渺小的自己 假装平静 巨大的孤寂 却骚动不已” 就这一段词,叙说了潘裕文比赛后经历的一切。唯一的问题:咬字方面还要多努力,因为我多次把“我们紧握着手心”听成“我们紧握着鼠蹊”,对不起但真的有点恶心。哈哈。


Sunday, November 23, 2008

张敬轩 总在我身旁

小插播:我是个傻子吧!张敬轩 [My First Collection] 专辑买了也好久了,可是今天才好好地听了一番,住在井底的我才发现星光帮唱的 [总在我身旁] 是张敬轩写的,而且还唱了一个版本。Okay, 听着听着,竟然鸡皮疙瘩都跑出来了,是感动,也竟是难堪。两个版本给人的感觉都不一样,张敬轩的版本少了星光帮的澎湃,但是多了真诚地感动。可是,我觉得星光的版本还是比较耐听耶,可能因为多位唱者的关系,增加了歌曲的感染力。说真的,敬轩的版本听了两次后就再也不想再听了,因为听起来真的有点孤单。孤掌难鸣,我想孤嗓也一样吧。完了,我是不是也中了商业化音乐的毒?

Friday, November 21, 2008

潘裕文、周定纬、许仁杰 EPs

Yes! Pleasant surprises... Peter Pan, Judy Chou and Stanly Hsu of [One Million Stars] have finally released their EPs. First was Peter, followed by Judy, then Stanly. Comprising of four songs each EP, these extended plays are the answers to their supporters' long wait after they signed contract with HIM International Music.
I bought all three at very different prices and really wonder why too.
I happened to chance upon Peter's EP in Changi Airport's Harris bookstore, it was for $7.90 there. The following week I sourced aound for Judy's album and found it cheapest at CD-Rama for $8.90 ( Gramaphone sells it at $9.90 and Sembawang sells it at $9.80). For Stanly's album, I paid $8.90 for it too at CD-Rama.
Like why the differing prices?!? Price discrimination ah? Come on la, who will be goondo enough to pay around 10 bucks for an EP when they can purchase a full album for 8 bucks (legal China parallel imported ones)? Haiz, anyway, these 3 EPs cost me a whopping $24.70 in total. I get 12 new songs in return, packed with a tinge of pleasant sweet surprise:)

Nice. Reviews coming up soon!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

恰许同学年少 - 许飞 Review

This is one album which I can never find in Singapore. It is by Chinese singer, Xu Fei. Since I'm one person who do not do illegal downloading, my desperation to have this album made me listen to the entire thing online. Okay, not the best CD out there, but there are some songs which are surprisingly pleasant and catchy. This is one album which I have done a lot of homework on, its never easy to get information of a China singer, especially when he/she only focuses on China's entertainment industry.

恰许同学年少 - 许飞 ★★☆☆☆

许飞的这张专辑给人的感觉是,就这样???也许是天生音色关系,一直觉得声音没法带出歌曲应该所拥有的感觉。可是值得一提的是,许飞的用功及努力是看得见的。在这张 [恰许同学年少] 里,我们听见了许飞的用心,以及想突破自己以往在超女比赛中给大家的印象。


[Intro] 里听见了袁唯仁老师和许飞录制专辑的一些花絮,两人简简单单的哼唱却让人听出了许飞对专辑的认真,好的开始真是成功的一半!

[吉林到北京] 是一首快节奏的歌曲,曲子非常热闹、非常high。可是,许飞同学的声音却听起来有点疲倦。也许这首歌的曲风不太适合许飞,或者许飞本身不太习惯唱这类风格的歌曲。毕竟她一向来都习惯唱慢节奏、旋律比较缓与轻的歌曲,所以唱快歌时显得有点不搭调。

[淡淡的歌] 是一首抒情优美的歌。用吉他的和弦搭配许飞懒洋洋的嗓音,让大家觉得格外地舒服。

[木偶] 歌曲挑战了许飞的唱功及音域,歌曲是专辑里偏为成熟的,和其他专辑里的歌曲不一样。歌曲某些部分有急性的飙高音,旋律也和普通的歌曲有些不同,虽然不是很明显,可是还是听得出节奏及编曲方面有点迢遥式的编排,并非容易唱,但许飞办到了。

[少年] 歌曲的曲子听起来有点别扭。尤其是‘…毕业纪念照…’那一段歌词,听来听取中觉得怪怪。许飞歌声的不足及缺点在这首歌里都格外明显。整首歌曲听完中觉得少了些什么,最后发现,就是少了歌手自己对歌曲的感觉。

[飞碟与大头] 一首特地写给歌迷的歌。如果你喜欢许飞但不知道飞碟与大头是什么,那你真的‘火星’了。一首很清快俏皮的歌曲,让飞碟们听得满足、听出耳油。

[夏天的味道] 专机里我最喜欢的歌,也是我觉得许飞诠释得最好的歌。慵懒的声音完美地带出了歌词的意。简单的旋律,舒服的声音,就已经能够创造出一首美丽的歌曲。

[1993] 用年份当歌名肯定会让人更加好奇歌曲是怎样的,歌曲不错,但也只是不错。轻快的歌,满琅琅上口的,可是歌词一直环绕着‘1993’,听多了还是会腻。

[蝴蝶]节奏叫轻快的歌,有如翩翩起舞的蝴蝶。歌曲听起来有点old school,类似一些80-90年代年轻偶像的歌。简单的歌词描述了蝴蝶寻找自己、寻找“那一片绿”,就像许飞自己启程寻找创造自己爱的音乐一样。

[痊愈] 一首抒情的哀伤情歌,简单的吉他声搭配着许飞慵懒的歌声结成了这首动听的歌。

[爸爸妈妈(featuring陈升)] 歌曲有陈升的声音耶!但也只是和声… 如果不竖起耳朵仔细地听,也真的很难听到那把男声。歌曲带出了孩子对父母的爱与感谢。节奏简单、歌词简单,可是歌曲的给人的感觉却是大感动。
我自己非常喜欢[淡淡的歌]、[木偶] & [夏天的味道]。慢歌似乎还是最适合许飞那带点沧桑的嗓音。

Like I've said, I'm no professional critic, just personal opinions. So if anyone has opposing views or any other comments, please graciously keep them to yourself. Thank you.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

蔡旻佑 – 寻找蔡旻佑 Review.

This is a previous review that i have done in July. Might still be useful to those who are considering to buy Evan Yo's album, Search Evan Yo.

蔡旻佑 – 寻找蔡旻佑 ★★★☆☆


2。阿姆斯壮:有点小俏皮的节奏,曲风偏向摇滚节奏,歌词里出现了许多歌手的名字, 为歌曲增加了不少趣味。可是,歌词也似乎有一点呛其他的歌手,把自己写得如此的强而有力,可是还是觉得歌声带不去歌词的意思,听起来有点像小孩子想立刻长大,但还是没办法脱离幼稚心灵。
3。Stay With Me:浪漫慢歌,蔡旻佑的歌声唱还是比较适合唱抒情歌曲。歌词不说很突出,可是曲子很优美,听了几遍就已经能琅琅上口,是绝对的k歌。
4。希区考克 作品152:与以往蔡旻佑的曲风不同,这首歌曲有为之一亮的感觉,词与曲都是蔡旻佑一手包办,叙述一场残酷无情的谋杀案。可是耳尖的听众一定会觉得这首歌有一点像周杰伦的某首歌曲。歌名是借取了名导演希区考克及他的某个作品,看了歌名觉得困惑的朋友可以自己上网查看希区考克的资料,或许可以更加了解这首冷酷的歌曲。
5。The Love I Know:是一首英文歌,虽然词不是旻佑自己写的,可是歌词就像是自己的故事,叙说自己没谈过恋爱,可是相信有一天自己还是会谈一场从别人口中得知有多乱糟糟的恋爱。歌词中让我最疑惑的是“ask” 的词语竟然用了“X” 来代用,想学英语的朋友们还是不要乱学,“ask” 跟 “X” 是不能通用的哦!曲子有点英式风,乍听之下还可能会以为歌曲是外国歌手唱的歌曲。
8。用一首demo跟你告白:蛮令我竞艳的一首歌,曲子俏皮可爱,是一首说唱式的歌。歌词也简单而不肤浅,很容易得到听众的青睐。就如歌词里写的,[不管编曲精不精彩 都想唱出来 我用一首Demo跟你告白 副歌来不及编排 I Love U 词写得太浅白喔 最自由的节拍换妳青睐]。简单的旋律及歌词也能够呈现出一首完美的歌曲说明了制作歌曲不需要太花俏,有诚意就行了。
11。爱?:The Love I Know 的中文版,可是感觉就和英语版的格外不同。如果不是因为旋律相同,我还以为是一首不同曲子的歌。这也代表了蔡旻佑诠释歌曲的宽广度,能把一首歌唱成两种感觉。[爱是什么 告诉我],延续了旻佑对爱情的好奇心及渴望,对应了英文的版本。

旻佑,虽然你的唱功不太适合唱重音的摇滚乐,可是我发现你的摇滚歌曲比较有突破性,个人留下的影像也比较多。抒情歌果然好听,但是有点偏偏一律的感觉,没有太大的突破感。跟上一张[19] 相比,这张 [寻找蔡旻佑] 的确有进步,可是缺少了当年 [我可以] 所创造的乐坛奇迹。


This shall be first very first post.

Aha. Done.