I bought all three at very different prices and really wonder why too.
I happened to chance upon Peter's EP in Changi Airport's Harris bookstore, it was for $7.90 there. The following week I sourced aound for Judy's album and found it cheapest at CD-Rama for $8.90 ( Gramaphone sells it at $9.90 and Sembawang sells it at $9.80). For Stanly's album, I paid $8.90 for it too at CD-Rama.
Like why the differing prices?!? Price discrimination ah? Come on la, who will be goondo enough to pay around 10 bucks for an EP when they can purchase a full album for 8 bucks (legal China parallel imported ones)? Haiz, anyway, these 3 EPs cost me a whopping $24.70 in total. I get 12 new songs in return, packed with a tinge of pleasant sweet surprise:)

Reviews coming up soon!

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