Sunday 29th Mar, a very memorable day :)
Fahrenheit’s autograph session was supposed to start at 3pm, so I was thinking that we should go down earlier, lest we get stuck in some insane crowd of no-ending. So Tricia and I got down to IMM at around 10a.m, only shocked to see that there was already an extremely long string of people queuing up outside the mall. I overheard people in the front say that they came at 5am! Those in the beginning of the queue apparently camped overnight! Hardcore idiots.
Around noontime, the queue started to move, at almost unnoticeable rate though. Those in front of us manage to get into the Garden Plaza. We had to wait at level four, outside the multi-story car park instead. People never stopped streaming in, every few seconds, you’ll get one small group of people walking near and queuing up behind us. These few small groups then add up to one humongous group. Finally, at around 1.45pm, the crew people started to move us to the Garden Plaza. Then at there, we had more queuing!!! AHHH.
Enough of words, let’s post some pictures and let me narrate along the way.
1. Me and my mad friend. She's in love with Wu Chun.
AND... Here's the best part...
After squeezing and queuing for almost an eternity, it was our turn to get our lyric books signed by Fahrenheit!!! We had the chance to talk to them and shake their hands while they autographed on the lyric books.
Calvin was the first in line, but I only managed to say "Hi Calvin!" and shook his hand. His hand is BIG and bony, really smooth skin too.
Next was Aaron, I told him "亚纶,要记得读书", but he couldn't hear me at first, then he poked his head out towards me, so I went close to his ear and repeated myself. I tell you, I was so close to him, I could have kissed him! Muah haha, but I didn't lah... He heard me, and stared at me with his eyes opened wide and his mouth slightly ajar for one whole second. HAHA. Then he replied me “会的,会的,我有读书。谢谢。” Haha, I must have scared the hell out of him. Other fans would have told him that he is very handsome and to take care of himself and blah blah blah, but I chose to different, muah haha. Aaron's eyes were so beautiful! They had an auburn shade and are really big and mesmerizing. His hand was more fleshy, smooth and tender too.
Then next was Jiro, I asked him about his knee injury and he said “已经好很多了,谢谢。” Then I stood in front of Jiro for quite a while cos' the girl in front of Wu Chun had not moved away... Then, another epic failure moment, my blouse flew up due to a sudden gust of mysterious wind. Luckily I managed to press down my blouse in time, but Jiro saw and he gave me a funny face, covering his mouth with his hand and smiled sheepishly, if you get what I mean. Paiseh man, but it was funny. Jiro had panda eyes which were still pretty much visible although they had make up on. His handshake was firm, and his skin bore the imprints of chores.
Last was Wu Chun, who greeted me before I did. I asked him about his foot injury and he replied me “脚好很多了,谢谢!你也要加油!” Then I immediately had questions marks popping out from my head. He ask me to 加油 for what? I guessed it's because many fans told them to 加油, so he just repeated his line '你也要加油' to everyone. Haha. His hand was large, warm and that handshake felt really sincere.
I was on cloud nine. I was so very close to Aaron! I am fulfilled. That lady whom we wanted to share a cab with was no where to be seen after the autograph session, so Tricia and I decided to just take our time to get to St. James. We bought bubble tea to drink and WALKED to the MRT station, carrying almost zero hope to get into Powerhouse. But when we reached St. James, we were surprised to see that the ticketing booth was still there! So we went up to claim out tickets. Hehheh. We were indeed in luck. We got into Powerhouse at around 7.15pm, and waited (yes, again) until almost 9pm before the boys' arrival. They were apparently delayed at the autograph session as there were simply too many people, many sad kids did not managed to get their lyric books autographed too.
10. Inside Powerhouse.
else's view.
15. More pose. Handsome.
16. Nice.
17. Nicer.
18. Why do I have so many similar pics?
19. Woa. Nice.
20. "Yo!"
21. Singing 《越来越爱》
21. Those irritating boards!!!
22. AARON.
23. Alamak, out of focus...
24. Wu Chun blocked by the curtain leh...
25. They seem really happy, who would have guessed that the autograph session earlier was ended abruptly and Aaron flared up due to miscommunication between them and the crew members?
26. 《寂寞暴走》=《寂寞抱走》?
27. Calvin beat-boxing again.
28. I can't remember what happened to Jiro... haha.
29. Host for the night was Pei Fen from Y.E.S 93.3
30. Calvin said that there was something wrong with his zips...
31. And the other 3 were just poking fun on him.
32. Calvin was supposed to do push-ups...
33. He then ran downstage to 'fix' his zippers.
34. So Jiro did the push-ups instead. He even hanged his gigantic necklace on Calvin.
35. More singing. I really detest those boards!
36. Aren't they cool? haha.
37. I was so happy.
38. It was just awesome.
39. Look at Aaron. He looks... normal.
40. Yeah~
41. Aaron was definitely the hot favourite. I keep hearing "炎亚纶!Aaron!".
42. So that meant that I have a lot of love rivals. HAHA.
43. Hello Jiro.
44. 喝水~ 可爱~
45. Puffy cheeks.
46. Hi Aaron :)
47. Whatever Jiro was doing... He looked silly.
48. Blow-kiss *muacks*
49. I can't remeber what did Jiro say that made everyone laugh so hard..
50. Talking about their most memorable moment since entering the entertainment circle...
51. 认真时的男人最帅……
52. 感性了。。。
53. Aaron asking people to keep quiet, b'cos all you can hear is " 炎亚纶~! Aaron~! AHHH~!"
54. Brotherly love
55. Why look so serious? No... they look bored.
56. Gosh, my memory is fading... I can't remember what's going on here too...
57. Aaron getting emotional when talking about his grandpa who had passed away last year..
58. Aaron cried. He said “怎么想水龙头”。。。
59. Awww, so sad.
60. Don't cry :(
61. 乖~不哭 不哭
62. Tissue for my little boy...
63. Tensed ah...
64. Boo Hoo.
65. Many girls were shouting “亚纶,不要哭”
66. I just stared blankly at him...
67. Don't you just feel like giving him a hug?
68. ...
69. Finally, a smile on his face :)
70. ...
71. Jiro's expressions are really BIG.
72. Happy kid again.
73. Tricia! Did you notice Wu Chun'a hand sign? I just noticed it! Haha.
74. Er... Haha.
75. Why does Aaron look so small here?
76. Wu Chun talking about his surreal experience at the entertainment circle.
77. He really achieved a lot...
78. Pei Fen said something wrong, like 临走之前。。。which sounded a little inauspicious.. Haha.
79. Then the boys mocked her for using the wrong words..
80. What a joke...
81. Aaron's back! Okay, slap me for being so insane over him.
82. Jiro acting cute.
83. Wu Chun made a blunder with his limited Mandarin... Then he took sides with Pei Fen, who said the wrong words previously too.
84. The boys were really down-to-earth and outright funny.
85. Singing 《留下来》
86. Cool!
87. Jiro was too high.
88. Aaron's turn to act cute...
89. AH! So adorable~
90. Jiro and Aaron both acting cute. HAHA.
91. Singing.
92. :D
93. Wave to Wu Chun!!!!
94. 唱完了,再会!
95. 给你一个飞吻~
96. 拜拜咯
97. More blow-kiss from Aaron:)
95. Byebye..
And we thought that was all. Tricia and I then went to the bar counter to get our free drinks... I happily kept my camera into my bag and gulp down my drink.
We hear a crazy commotion coming from the stage area.
We turn our heads and see Fahrenheit coming out again!
96. They came out to take pictures with fans...
96. They came out to take pictures with fans...
That's all!!! Yay! I shall go sleep now! Goodnight, sleep tight, dream of Aaron tonight:)
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