I'm feeling better now, I guess.
Haha. I'm not sure myself.
I feel fine one moment, and the next moment I feel my head so heavy, that its dropping off my neck.
Ya, probably it should just drop off now, so as to lighten my worries of not being able to complete 3 project assignments by next week (!!!).
I'm so dead man, and it's just the wrong time to fall sick.
Oh, and there's French test on Monday! CRAPstick and lobsters man!
Anyway, some random pictures to share (more so to remind myself that I'm such a freak who can never keep any tables neat).
This is exactly how my study table in my own room looks like. It also looks exactly like how the dining table in my house will look like whenever I go home during the weekends. HAHA. Some things just never change, huh?
And it's not just the table...
Nah, the bed looks messy now because I'm airing my clothes to cool.
That's cos' I went to dry them using the dryer la.
Clothes can never dry when the weather is so humid here.
AND, I realised that it rains here every Thursday! I don't know and won't care if it rains on any other day or not, but it sure rains every Thursday. WEIRD ah?
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