Tuesday, November 3, 2009

happy BIRD-day to LIZard :)

Happy Birthday

It's just awesome to have a retarded sister.
That makes the house more vibrant with 2 retards.
Meimei, you are thirteen now. Like, what took you forever to be thirteen man? I was thirteen eons ago.
Thirteen is a cool age to be, it's the start of the teen years.
It's gonna be a long and gruelling 7 years of being a teen, but it sure will be the most splendid 7 years of your life.
It's also the time where things get trashy and pissing-off. Everything starts getting on your nerves, but for some odd reasons, I think nothing will bother you very much.
You horrid shitty messy girl, have a wonderful 13th.
Enjoy your bloody holidays while I bury myself in heaps of work.

Happy Birthday, again, to my favourite sister.
(Like I even have a choice)

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