Old friends meet up without a reason.
And that's what I like about it.
We gather together, talk nonsense while we eat,
cam-whore like never before while the food digests within.
Dinner was at Serenity in Vivo-city, this Spanish restaurant/pub place.
NX and Ber.
Fel, Chew and me.
It has been the LOOOOOOONGEST time since I last saw Felicia!
Some BIG lantern behind us.

Ber and I were both in stripes!
HAHA. Agnes, some awesome facial expression you've got there!
We took a gadzilllion shots of this scene here.
So old still playing with slides at the playground. HAHA.
Acting young.
Bahaving young.
Hey kids, it's getting late! Don't spend too much time at the playground! HAHA.
Fun! I wanna go out and play again!
Credits: Photos taken shamelessly from Berlyn's FB. Thanks Berlyn:)
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