Wednesday, March 3, 2010


“…我原来无路可退 停留在重灾区 着了急仍呆坐这里 这关系像驾车困于挤塞的市区…我很累逐吋的逐吋的 蚁行下去被困这里没法收队”  ~ 《赛车》-谢霆锋

Recess week is half gone and I feel as though I've done nothing much besides successfully collected my passport from the US embassy. Well, at least this confirms my trip and I'm going there FOR REAL.

French role play is killing my brain cells. Je veux une maison au milieu de la mer, s'il vous plaît~ Merci beaucoup!

I feel extremely lethargic now, seems that the twelve-hour sleep wasn't enough, huh?

Okay, back to work. Au revior~

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