Thursday, November 17, 2011

Copy & Paste

That's not so much of a compliment. 

Mumpok and I

"Copy and paste"

We hear that so often, it sounds almost like a home-coming call; a Family Name. 

Just so you know, WE DON'T LOOK THE SAME

That's an obvious fact unless you are blind. 

And I can confidently tell you that half the people we've met are blind. 

Cos' the very first thing they tell us was, "WOW YOU BOTH LOOK ALIKE!"

and you've got popcorns for eyeballs

Mumpok and I, again.

 For every person that comments that my Mum and I look alike, we shall be given a dollar. I'll probably be a millionaire by now. 

And I hate it when people say my Mum and I look like sisters. 
Yah, sure T.T

Your compliment have obviously offended somebody. 

So for that, I'm gonna give you a "You suck" face. 

Oh, aren't we just gorgeous here? :)

I remember how this lady walked up to my Mum and I when we were in Hong Kong. Then she went, "nei dei zi mm zi bin dou tab meh meh dou meh zam?" (你们知不知哪里搭XX到X站 - do you know where to take which train to blah
Then we went, "ngo dei mm hai hiong gong yan" (我们不是香港人 - we are not local)
Then she went, "orh moh la, ngo zi hai gok dek nei dei hou ci yong" (没事啦,我只想说我觉得你们长得很像 - oh, nothing much, i just wanted to say that I think you both look very much alike)

So my Mum and I were like O.O
This stranger (most probably a local Hong Kong resident herself) came up to ask us directions but actually just wanted to tell us that we look alike?!? 

Yah, for that, you deserve this face. 
Mompok looking all UNAMUSED. 


Well, I always laugh it off nicely when people tell us that we look alike, but really, "copy and paste" is too much. How do you like it when people say you look like a "copy paste" version of a 49 year old person? CRIESOUTLOUD.

My Mum once told me that her colleague saw a picture of ME on her computer screen and went, "Wow Kat you look so young here!"


For that, I'm giving you another face, 

Retards on the loooooose!

Not that I'm angry, just that this joke has to stop. 

It's so overused it's not even funny anymore. 

Even my brother agrees. 

oh! another doppelgänger. 



mel said...

HAHA edelyn i totally LOL when i read your post!! I suspect your mum must be really happy to hear all those comments. LOL

Edelyn said...

YA! She's always happy when people say we look alike. I'll smile too, then walk off and roll my eyes. HAHA.