I. Can't. STAND. It. Anymore!!!
It's extremely frustrating to have to stand throughout the entire journey to work on the MRT, especially when it's packed with people of all sorts of smells.Er... Actually the morning journey is still bearable, cos' people usually bathe and smell normal before they go to work or school. The thing I can't stand is the fact that I have to STAND all the way from Bedok to Clementi EVERY morning, 19 bloody stations with over 200 million commuters squeezing into MY cabin. CLEMENTI! That's further than China to me. That's the part of the island that I will never ever step onto unless for unforeseen circumstances. And in this case, it so happened that my workplace is there. Thank God there is a free shuttle from Clementi station to NgeeAnn Poly, or else I will go broke, both my wallet and my feet.
On a happier note, we had Tiramisu today! Evelyn (a staff, my colleague) taught us how to make Tiramisu yesterday during lunch break, and I've got to say, it's way easier than I thought it would be. Some eggs here and there, some coffee here and there, some biscuits here and there, some cocoa powder here and there, chill it a little, and voilà~ Homemade Tiramisu for the cheapskates like me:)
Anyway, work was OK today... There was a staff course today, about the enrolment matters, financial schemes and sale on Notebooks. Quite a lot to digest though. Finished my tasks early and I was left in a state of boredom for rather long before getting my hands on other things. Oh, and I nearly got Alywin into trouble for almost sending out the letters of regrets to some appeal applicants. Haha, sorry man, so stop harping on like an Ah Pek.. Haha.
Went to Simei for dinner, I've not been to that rustic abyss for almost a year already, and sadly, it still looks the same. East Point looks pathetically dead, familiar shops are selling the same things I saw 3 years ago, while shops I used to patronize have mysteriously disappeared. Where are you, my CHENG TENG uncle? Who is going to sell me my favourite Red Ruby dessert?
Savannah still looks the same, the leopards and giraffes still awaits for my arrival like before. What's new is that there was a group of people doing Tai Ji next to the swimming pool in the middle of the night! Erm, WTH? I will not comment so much if it was done discreetly, but those old fellas were doing it with blasting loud sounds that echoes 'HU... XI... HU... XI...' Whatever la people, I'm not trying to be rude or anything, but if I was still a resident there and trying to do my homework or watch TV in peace, I will definitely complain my way to the management office. So, Dad, don't bother buying that house again, I don't want my nights to be filled with insane rituals of HUs and XIs.
Back to the topic about the crazy public transport we've got. Usually, I would take bus 154 or 151 to Jln Toa Payoh and change to bus 5 to get home, the whole journey will take about 1 hour+++, depending on the waiting time, and that sucks cos' bus 5 takes an eternity to come. Its arrival is nothing great too, because it will always be packed like anything. Like I've not had enough standing on 151/154, I have to stand throughout the entire journey of 5 too. SBSTransit really have to increase the frequencies of their buses. Never ever overestimate the size of your buses, SBS! Imagine fetching students from SIM, NgeeAnnPoly, Nanyang Girls, Raffles Girls, National JC, Catholic JC, HCI etc. How to squeeze into one small bus? What's worse is that some sec sch boys board the bus sweaty and sticky, they get stuck onto you as the bus is simply too packed. And, SBS, can you please change your handicap-friendly bus back to the old type? I think that there's some engineering error somewhere for that kind of buses, it jerks wildly whenever the driver brakes or turns, probably the bus's inertia went haywire due to the lack of seats. Whatever it is, I hate my route home from office, it's just standing and crowding, followed by more standing and crowding.
Ok, I need to sleep. Goodnight myself:)
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