Realised I've been sighing a lot recently. That's a bad sign. It's either I'm stressed up, or that oxygen isn't reaching my brain. Probably I'm too tired that's why... Have been burrying myself into bed before 10p.m nowadays and still feel tired all day. Something is wrong, probably because I haven't been buying CDs. Yes, I think that's the reason. Khalil Fong, I'm coming! Yeah man~
Went to Ngee Ann City to watch Kenneth's performance after work yesterday... and spent $39 on magazines... Muah Ha Ha. If Tricia had her card, I would be able to save eight dollars la...
Kenneth's performance was not bad la... Kind of boring actually, performing the same songs I've heard since he was in Sec 1. His bass clarinet was cool nonetheless.
Went to Ngee Ann City to watch Kenneth's performance after work yesterday... and spent $39 on magazines... Muah Ha Ha. If Tricia had her card, I would be able to save eight dollars la...
Kenneth's performance was not bad la... Kind of boring actually, performing the same songs I've heard since he was in Sec 1. His bass clarinet was cool nonetheless.
Brought the magazines to office today, read it during lunch. Went high and mad. Obviously, its Aaron Yan we're dealing with here. Haha. Ate rice bowl, which was really just okay... Will source for better food in the campus soon.
Anyway, Mui Teng was sharing some lame jokes with us yesterday, and this one is really good.
"Superman flies with one arm extended and another at the side of his body. What is the reason for that arm of his to be at the side of his body?
Ans: To change gear."
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. This joke is bloody funny la!
Another 'joke' Alywin shared(true story):
The first swimming lesson in NS- Getting into the pool. You can get into the pool either by
1) Climbing the ladder at the side of the pool.
2) Sit at the edge of the pool then put your legs into the water then get your whole body into the pool.
3) Just jump in.
HAHAHAHAHA. Imagine teaching grown up boys how to swim and instructing them step by step on getting themselves into the pool. I really wonder how they managed to refrain from laughing during the training.
After lunch, during that few minutes of digestion period, I started doodling ‘炎亚纶’on the whiteboard in my 'Fish Tank'... Then it became insane. Haha. Mui Teng started testing me 听写... I wrote all sorts of nonsense from everyone's Chinese names to 飞轮海 to 马来西亚 to 义安理工学院.. CRAZY, but FUN. Hehheh, look at the top left hand corner, there's [Edelyn ♥ 炎亚纶]... Haha, and I joined Mui Teng's name to 孙协志...
Mui Teng, became insane as well, after 发-ing 花痴 with me.
That's the 'Fish Tank' by the way, my work room. A room with glass panes so huge, I'm like Nemo in an aquarium waiting for people to admire my deformed fin in the midst of their hustle and bustle.
Okay, I'm losing it already, better go sleep before I turn zombie.
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