Sis: Die.
Me: ...
Sis: The reason to live is to die.
And that sounds perfectly right. Not that I'm being pessimistic or emo, but seriously, the ultimate 'nirvana' that everyone will get to, is Death.
BCC. Thank you very much.
I'm not sad. I'm not happy too. Let's just say that I'm feeling normal. Just a little bit towards the moody side.
It's weird how I managed to get a 'B' for Econs, the almighty subject which I never fail to fail. Remember that ugly 'U' for prelims? Mr. Derek Lee is really the GOD that saved my Econs. That's a 5 grades jump! I really am shocked.
Literature. Oh Literature. I got a 'C', a 'C' so BIG and FAT that I feel ashamed having taken Lit as a H2 subject. Some structured lessons we've got, some nonsensical arrangements obliged upon us. Okay... now only 3% of the cohort managed to attain an 'A'. NYJC, please come up with a better strategy, don't jeopardise the grades of others anymore, you can't afford to, you cheena boona school! I think I know why. We were taught how to pass it, not how to score it. That probably explains why.
History. I'm disappointed. Why are you a 'C'? I was hoping for a 'B' or better. Prelims was good, why this now? Never mind, what's over is over.
OOOO. But I passed H1 Math!!!!! Another 'C'. HAHAHAHAHA. No more 'U'!!! That's like striking a million-dollar lottery. Edelyn Chua passed her MATH! Gosh! That must be a joke.
AND, I passed my GP!!! Although it's a 'C' too, it's still way better than the 'U's and 'S's on my report slips since J1. Heh.
----------Life does not make a turn here, it STARTS from here------------
I feel bad.
Bad in a sense that I have a group of wanderers together with me.
My dear friends are like me,
Sort of lost,
But not missing a chance to prove others wrong.
Give us some time,
We will do it,
And be the very next star,
That shines on brightly till eternity.
Holy crap, am I losing my senses already?
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