Saturday, May 30, 2009
KC Family Day.
Everything was so expensive! A bottle of water costs $2, and a silly game of ping-pong would cost $3.
But, for charity, nothing is too expensive.
Just as what the theme if the Family Day says, “For the Children”.
Ok, Cam-whore time.
Friday, 29th May 2009.
Went back to NYJC to collect A' Level cert. NYJC is becoming more commercialized. Coin-changing machine, sandwich dispenser, message chair(!!!) They put a shopping mall in the school already! The school is too rich, way too rich. I’m one poor fella here, how about donating some wealth to me, your fellow ex-student?
Took the Circle Line with Wanling to Bishan from Lorong Chuan, it is really very convenient, right outside the school.
Then went to Orchard Kino to meet Mui Teng. She bought a book called '芹仁关岛婚礼'. Haha. It’s Zax Wang and his wife’s wedding pictorial book. It's something sweet and romantic, any sweeter, you'll get diabetes. Quoted from Mui Teng "...super sweet.. I cannot eat anything too sweet le.." Seriously, I could see Mui Teng's eyes fill up with hearts and roses while reading that book! Haha.
We then walked around before proceeding to Dhoby Ghaut. That’s when a moment of epic failure happened. It was so very embarrassing that I've decided to share it with everyone.
I dropped my shoe while climbing a flight of stairs at the MRT station. PAISEH until...
I was with Mui Teng at Dhoby Ghaut MRT station, on our way to Plaza Sing. Then, while walking up the stairs in the station, my shoe decided to get stuck onto a step and slipped out of my foot. Upon realizing that my shoe dropped out, I exclaimed, “Oh, 我的鞋掉了!". I turned backwards, and saw my lonely shoe on that stair, how embarrassing la. It would not be so embarrassing if there were no one around, but there was this man walking behind me, who presumably saw my shoe slipping out of my foot and heard me shriek in horror. I bent down and picked up my shoe immediately and walked off as fast as I could. Mui Teng laughed. I tried to laugh off my embarrassment, only to feel even more stupid.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Cycling at ECP
(My bro has fair and well-toned legs that even girls are envy of.)
We rode quite far, till near Changi, through the Park Connectors. The feeling of exercising was damn good, although my butt became super painful after riding for over an hour. Haha. I want to go for more cycling!
Moldy brain + G-G
Case in point, I could not hear my house phone ring.
Even if I heard it, I would let the stupid melody run through my head for a few seconds before registering that I have an incoming call.
Most of the time, it only hit me that I had a call after the ring ends.
Oh man, and I realize that I am mistaking words for other words, and I am always rolling over words when I speak.
I would type out the wrong words in smses, such as ‘I will lunch eat lunch later’ instead of ‘I will go eat lunch later’.
My words jumble up when I talk, like ‘The strong is so smell’ when I actually mean ‘The smell is so strong’.
Retarded, right? Extremely.
I am already feeling the rotting in me. Spending too much, eating too much, sleeping too much, watching too much.
I turn on the television the moment I wake up, and switch it off only when I go to bed; so much so for being a Green ambassador.
Either that, or I go out and trash my time away. My youth wasted on the all-so-boring shopping malls of Singapore.
Orchard is getting boring, Tampines 1 is worse, and Iluma tops the list of useless malls in the world. Our economy is going to remain stagnant all thanks to these non-profit making shopping malls can?!
Going to the cinema is another activity that just burns more of myself away. Yeah, I’m made of Gold. Okay I will slap myself for that.
Anyway, besides watching X-Men twice, I watched Angels & Demons and Night At The Museum 2. NATM2 is not bad, quite funny, but not as fantastic as the first.
I also bought a rather useless book for myself, its called ‘Garfield Minus Garfield’.
It’s a book created by this funny lad named Dan Walsh, who happily erased Garfield cat from the original comic strips.
You are then left with a silly human, Jon, who seems to be talking rubbish to himself.
They find it hilarious, poking fun out of Jon’s misery.
Actually I found it funny too, cos’ it’s super lame, but after reading it, I realized that I am somewhat like Jon, pathetic and moronic.
Laughter aside, that book cost me almost twenty bucks, that’s when I can’t continue laughing anymore.
Quite dumb right?
I need to find something to do, and put my otherwise smart brain to use again. Hehheh.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Herald the TV addict~ ME.
My goal in life: Watch every episode of Mythbusters.
My other goals in life: Watch all other nice shows on Discovery.
Anyway, I watched a fairly stupid show on National Geographic Channel today. I would say ‘fairly’ because I’ve watched worse, worse than what Mediacorp is known for producing.
That show is called ‘Is It Real?’. Sounds interesting yeah? It is about the mythical animal known as the ‘cupacrabra’. Sightings of this 'beast' dates back to the seventies, when farmers in Puerto Rico found their goats/ cows/ ducks/ chickens/ pigs/ whatever livestock dead with weird puncture wounds. Coming to no conclusions on what killed their animals, they pinpoint the culprit to a figment of their wonderful imagination, the goatsucker, or cupacrabra. Exciting. Then the show continues with how farmers in America also came across this dubious animal. This time, some said that this animal has wings, spines down its back and goggles-like green eyes. Wow, in other words, this animal they are dealing with is a freak. Nothing can get more nonsensical when this woman who claimed she saw the animal said that she felt the animal was trying to communicate with her. Crazy. I initially thought I was watching something educational; it turned out to be something detrimental. I became dumber after watching a bunch of farmers and scientist arguing whether the goatsucker is real or not. In the end, the culprits were unmasked, regular domestic dogs. I just felt sorry for Tricia, and myself for sitting in front of the TV for one whole hour, only to get fooled by humans who got fooled by dogs.
Well, nothing can win another crap show I watched on Discovery Channel a few days ago. It’s called ‘Lost Tapes’ and just as its title suggests, it should show authentic video footages of whatever recovered lost tapes of some awesome adrenaline-rushing adventures right? Yah riiiiiiiiiiight. All I got was a re-enacted footage done by not-so-pro actors; I cringe looking at their acting. It’s really difficult to stomach down. The storyline was bad too, about a group of friends entering a cemetery trying to see if some dog from Hades really exists(yes, another mythical domestic canine). If anyone were to see this green-eyed dog for three times, he or she will die. Okay, this is getting repetitive. Are Americans really so bored and have nothing to do but come up with silly such urban myths? Even so, can’t they be a little bit more creative and come up with another animal not a dog? Even a purple dinosaur would be more exciting than some green-eyed scruffy animal. GOOSHNESS! Another hour of my life lost watching nonsense. Thankfully there’s still Mythbusters.
It is so painful to watch Taiwanese variety programme 食尚玩家.
I see the hosts go all around Taiwan sourcing for and tasting the best foods out there, while I’m in Singapore drooling over the TV and chewing my remote control.
Taiwan, I’m coming! June 10, come quick!
Friday, May 15, 2009
Angels & Demons

Free me.
NP is a nice place, nice people, nice food, nice buildings, nice environment.
I will miss my colleagues at NP, they are the nicest and the funniest people to be with.
I will miss the feeling of taking an MRT down to Clementi every morning.
I will miss the need to rush and scan pictures and print out student cards for the students.
I will miss answering students' and parents' funny queries they ask at the counter.
I will miss folding straw hearts and stars.
I will miss having to fill in the time-sheet at the end of every month.
I will miss thinking what to eat for lunch everyday.
I will miss the scary fish pond and the ugly black striped fish in it.
I will miss jay-walking at the traffic light.
I will miss the days I spent at the AA department.
I will miss 'Block 1 Level 7'.
I will miss going to the toilet just to take a break and wash my face.
I will miss brainwashing my colleagues on how handsome Aaron is.
I will miss the days I spent at the SSC.
I will miss the repetitive orders given by Mr. Repeat.
I will miss the blazers.
Most importantly,
I will miss Makan Place.
The 麻辣牛肉拉面 from the Taiwanese food store in Makan Place is really very shiok.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Dead lizard.
An absence of liveliness lingers in the air
Maybe there's something you've forgotten to share
I am here, like how you've always been there
My ear, my shoulder, all ready to bear
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Damn that bus that never came + Damn that MeePok that almost killed me.
SBS Transit, DAMN YOU!
I waited so bloody long for bus 5 today, I nearly cried at the bus-stop.
Who the hell has to wait for a bus for so long till the sky turned from bright to grey to black? ME, and all the other pitiful commuters waiting for bus 5.
I roughly counted seven 154s come and go, and my 5 is still nowhere to be seen.
I had to board another bus(Express 506) and pay more to get home.
And by the time I'm home, it's almost 7.45pm.
HAHAHAHA. It took Edelyn 1.5 hours to get home! And she's not even living in Malaysia!
What the hell la. I know, there might be some awful traffic jam somewhere down some road, but it's extremely frustrating to be waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting. The human crowd at the bus-stop just accumulates and accumulates and accumulates and accumulates. Even by the time the bus you are waiting for comes, not all can board it too. Failure.
If buses 143, 151, 154, 56 etc can come at 5mins per bus, I don't understand why I have to wait 45mins for mine.
I already had quite a shitty day at work, and my ride home has to add misery to my already miserable day. What the heck. STUDENTS, please return your blazers on time can? You don't need to go home, I NEED!
Now, rant about dinner.
Sorry Dad, I know you 'scared I still hungry', but the MeePok (from some stall in Eunos) you bought me has got such excessive amounts of MSG(味精), so much so that my chest still hurts now.
Huh? Don't huh... I think I'm allergic to MSG.
I don't know if anyone else experiences the MSG after effect, but I would always get numbness in my arms after eating MSG.
Just now, I experienced HELL. Both my arms went numb, I had tingling feelings in my stomach, chest pain, headache and my face felt as though I had Botox. STIFF.
I gulped down 2 big cups of water to wash down the MSG, but the side-effects stayed for quite long. My stomach still feels bad.
I googled the side-effects of MSG, and found this:
MSG Symptom Complex can involve symptoms such as numbness, burning sensation, tingling, facial pressure or tightness, chest pain, headache, nausea, rapid heartbeat, drowsiness, and weakness. Asthmatics may experience these symptoms as well as difficulty in breathing.
MSG is an excitotoxin, which in a nut shell means, these chemical transmitters excite your brain cells to death. Children seem to be more susceptible. Russell Blaylock, Author of Excitotoxins the Taste that Kills, discovered that excitotoxins, like MSG, may aggravate or precipitate many neurological disorders.
With what seems like more and more awareness about neurological disorders like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, most people want to do all they can to avoid developing these disorders. The safest and easiest way to take care of your brain health is avoid all food additives by eating a raw food, whole food diet. After all, your body was not created to assimilate and utilize artificial or man made anything. Your body was created to utilize food as it was created. So avoid MSG side effects and eat food in its most natural form.
Some specific side effects and disorders related to excitotoxins discussed in Blaylock’s book include:
Brain cell death
Brain damage
Brain Tumors
Eh, thanks ah... But does that also mean that my nerves and brain cells are dying and I might just kong kar kiao any moment from a seizure all thanks to MSG?!?
Better to be safe than sorry, throw away that can of MSG you have at home now.
Argh... And I shall go to bed now. 晚安。
Credits to:,
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Bumming around + Baby Avril
This is what a bummer does: Wakes up at noon, eats Brunch, watches TV for hours, surfs the Net, plays dumb quizzes on Facebook, listens to CDs, updates her blog, and back to sleep.
That's going to be my time-table soon, and I'm so looking forward to it.
Anyway, Baby Avril is GROWING bigger and bigger every time I see her. Her cheeks are so puffed up, they are sagging already. HAHA.
This is Avril on 12th April 2009:
And this is her on 3rd May 2009:
Adorable hor? I wanna squeeze her cheeks man.
Random and Retarded shall be Kenneth's middle and second middle name.
Bye. Back to bumming around.