Let me introduce this to everyone, her name is Botak, she is my new toy.
Avril's hair got shaved off, because she is dropping hair already! Pre-mature balding! Haha.
My kiasu cousin brought her to some sophisticated hairdresser-cum-calligraphy-brush-maker-place to get her baby hair cut off and made into a paint brush. Too rich lor some people. Haha.
So Avril can't put on any nice hair clips now, Botak!
ANYWAY, when Daddy and Mummy has to work overtime, it means that we young ones have to settle dinner by ourselves. My sister -who will make a perfect chef when she grows up- wanted to fry eggs for us all, but there are none in the refrigerator. So, brilliant Me suggested fast food, and even more brilliant to say 'Let's go KFC'.
I started to regret even before entering the fast food restaurant, suggesting to my siblings to go to McDonald's instead, but my siblings were quite intent to get their butts onto the seats of KFC.
The KFC was small and packed, and very very very noisy, all thanks to those kids shouting to each other at the top of their lungs when they are just next to each other. Of course, like always, their parents continued eating their fried chicken nonchalantly. Singaporeans' behavior and etiquette ah... I can only roll my eyes.
Ordering took so long! The cashiers are so sloooooooooooow. Goodness! I had more than enough time to calculate which was the most worthy meal to buy. After much pondering, I decided to try the Shrooms Burger.
Then, I wanted Sprite for my drink, but I forgot KFC doesn't carry Sprite, so I corrected myself and said '7Up, please'. That counter girl looked at the drink dispenser for a great deal of 5 whole seconds before saying 'Sorry, no 7Up.' OKAY~ 'Give me Mountain Dew then'. ... ... ... ..., another few seconds went by before the counter girl opened her mouth and said 'Also no Mountain Dew'. x_x 'Er, then what else do you still have?' *silence* 'Okay, get me Root Beer'. Being next to choicelessness, I settled for Root Beer.
Here's the wonderful part.
Not only does my neighbourhood has the smallest KFC in the world, it sells the smallest burger in the world too! This is what I had for dinner last night, a pathetic little Shrooms Burger.
This is not even enough to fill the gaps in between my teeth can?
So it wasn't much of a surprise to me when I opened my whip potato.
It wasn't even filled to the brim.
What a disappointing dinner, I had to buy bao, siew mai and hagao to eat before I finally feel full.
So, the next time my parents say that they have to work overtime, I know where to go. I'll go down to the mama shop and buy some eggs and get my sister to fry them for me. That will definitely make a better and more scrumptious dinner than KFC.
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