Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Yeah, very busy day. Had lessons the whole day.

But I've made a wise decision today, to drop my Chinese elective! WOOHOO!

Er, maybe I shouldn't sound so elated. Yay!

Haha. I had Language and Society in Chinese today at 9.30am, and struggled hard to stay focused during the lesson. It was simply too tough to understand the study of Sociolinguistics in Mandarin. That 2-hour lecture passed by painfully, and I'm just glad that it's all over (for me, at least. Haha)

I'm also doing a kind act by dropping my elective and giving it to this girl who wants it so badly.


I do like Chinese, and the reason why I'm dropping this elective is because I don't want to end up hating Chinese at the end of this course simply because I do not like to learn things in the medium of Mandarin.

To me, Mandarin Chinese should be appreciated as a language and something with a rich history, not as a medium to study about the 'forces that languages have upon the society'. Besides, I'm already studying that in my Major. The Chinese elective is really Linguistics in Chinese. So there's no point for me to go through the same lesson twice in both English and Chinese.

I'll just stick to French this semester, I believe this alone will drive me nuts soon. Good luck to myself.

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