Tuesday, August 4, 2009

One Last Fun, before school starts.

Yup, school is starting very soon, and I just got used to my slacker life. Went out with Wanling, May and Melissa on the 29th of July for lunch + movie + random chats about HSS CAMP. (HAHA)

We had lunch at Cafe Cartel.

May and I.
Wanling and Melissa.
Melissa's Banana plus dunno what drink.
Melissa's pasta.
Wanling's ribs.
My Pork Chop
May's sambal fish.
Cam-whoring with the DSLR.
Take out your cameras, everybody!
Everyone taking pics of everyone. HAHA
May and her Canon 450D
Wanling and Melissa
Random coin container at Cafe Cartel.

Trying on shoes also kena taken.
Wanling having her hands on the camera. Fun right? Haha.
At Daiso, taking pictures of random things.

I was holding May's camera, while she was holding mine.

My favourite, Garfield. But too bad he has cataracts. Look at his cloudy eyes.

We watched Public Enemies.
Cool show!

I'm sorry Wanling, but you've disappeared. Haha.
My bag from MUJI. Yay!
(Haha, this pic looks like a lost and found bag la.)
Dinner at ZENZEN.
TomYam + Rice
My coffee.
TomYam, shiok ah.

Bao with jam and chocolate fillings.
I forgot what these are, but they are something nice too. HAHA
Wanling and her P Plate.

Besides being the most useless shopping mall, Iluma is also the ugliest shopping mall.


That's all.


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