Saturday, May 22, 2010

yummy yummy cafe :)

This is dumb.
I finally have time to update my blog, and the reason to why I have time is because I left my key in the room before I left for work and am now locked outside my own room.
Thankfully there's a kitchen that is always open and there's wifi around, or else I'll really go bonkers waiting for my roommates to come back in this mad hot temperature.
Well let's talk about today at work. It's my first cashiering day and it's really not so good. I did tell them that I'm not good at counting but they still put me at the counter anyway. I had a hard time familiarising myself to the cash register and had an equally hard time counting those pennies, nickel and dimes. Whoo, thankfully the supervisor is really nice and helped me out whenever I needed help (which was almost the whole time!). Then, halfway through my shift, they said they needed people to clean up the looney tunes cafe, so they sent me and this cook named Colin down. We were practically cleaning through inches thick dust and dirt! How gross! though it was really tiring and messy, it was fun and really interesting and I did really enjoy myself today.
The only thing that I'm hoping for now is that my roommates to return fast and open the door for me, or else I'll have to sit in the kitchen and be an extra while people are busy cooking their dinner!

Signing out at 5.32pm, USA.

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