Saturday, March 28, 2009
Earth Hour 2009
It was such a terrible experience.
And I could only laugh off my nervousness.
The instructor was funny, but still...
I feel so stressed up whenever I see another vehicle behind me overtake me or change lanes.
I am just like an inconsiderate road HOGGER.
Gosh, I had sweaty palms that could fill up rivers.
My left leg felt so useless.
The tremendous pressure I feel is just crazily mind-breaking.
AND you tell me driving at 50km/hr is FAST?!?!
Concersations with my driving instructor today.
Me: Woa, the sun today very bright hor.
Instructor: Put down the sun visor la, your eyes so small already, squint somemore cannot see the road already la.
Me: -.-'''
Me: Wa, this Indian guy should not cycle in the middle of the lane leh, what if I bang him down?
Instructor: Why? Cos' he black right? Then you can't see him...
Me: Aiyo, that driver so dangerous, change lanes without signalling!
Instructor: No la... You are the most dangerous driver here already!
Me: -.-'''
Me: Er, so am I supposed to drive to Tampines?
Instructor: Ya, and we'll go to Starbucks and have a coffee and a cheesecake too. You pay.
Me: Yah right.
Me: Hey, that's my house there, the blue building.
Instructor: Okay, drive there and ask your mum to prepare some coffee for me.
Me: Why not I drive there now, then I go home first, then you drive back? Haha.
Instructor: You have to make sure you break properly ah... And remember to signal!!!
Me: Orh. No problem!
Instructor: Ok, then besides those, you don't have much problem, you are actually quite good.
Me: Don't praise me.
Instructor: Yah I know, praise you then become ya ya right.
Me: Ya lor.
Instructor: Anyway, you also very ya ya what. So daring, drive so fast, don't look at your own lane...
Me: -.-'''
Ya, it's quite funny la, but I got suan-ed a million times la! Eh, my first time on the roads leh, duh' kancheong la!
Earth Hour 2009, how did you folks spend that hour of darkness?
Well, I spent half of it in the bathroom, and another half of it on my bed. Hehheh.
8.30pm, switced off all lights and walked to the bathroom...
Bathing in the dark was quite cool, of course, I had a candle...
I am clean ok? It might be dark, but I could still see!
30 minutes passed just like that.. Haha.
Then I jumped up my bed and just listened to music...
Then before I realise, it's 9.30pm already.
Cool eh?
AND ! ! !
Monday, March 23, 2009
Do something simple, yet something significant.
Switch off.
Vote Earth.
Your switch is your vote.
Turn it off and do a part for our ailing home.
It may seem trivial, but it pays off.
Your effortless act will go a long distance.
Mother Earth gave us life, so let’s help prolong hers too.

You have the power in your hands to make a difference.
Let's use this opportunity to combat our ever-increasing carbon footprints we inevitably leave on this gloomy Earth.
---I ♥ The Earth---
Friday, March 13, 2009
There is a terrible influx of Chinese nationals in our country recently, so much so that I feel as though I’m in China already. I see CHINA MEN everywhere, on the buses, on the trains, on the streets, next to me… yes, NEXT to me.
This morning, Mum and I boarded another freaking crowded MRT, all thanks to CHINA MEN. There was this
Talking about CHINA MAN, I got to know this CHINA MAN a few days ago.
He was sort of amazed by my ability to comprehend him, and he so took the chance to say ALL he could.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Baby Avril + Sembawang's mega sale.
Baby Avril with her Grandpa & Auntie Elizabeth.Look at her Drama-mama expression. Haha.
Avril is so tiny
Baby Avril with her GRANDAUNT after bath. That's my Mum btw.
Avril says -.-'''
Baby Avril with Auntie Elizabeth who happens to be wearing her new spectacles.
-Avril pooped the very moment Liz carried her. Muah Haha. I told Liz that's cos' she resembles like a toiletbowl. HA.-
Wanling gave this to me yesterday, so sweet of her. It's so nice! Although it is adorned with unglam shots of me. Thanks WL! Thanks for the M&M's chocolates~霹雳MIT!!!
Anyway, Sembawang Music Store is having this mega sale for 3 days! 50% off STORE WIDE!!! We started at Sengkang's Sembawang, spent close to $70 there. Then we went to Marine Parade's Sembawang and spent another $62 there. Muah Ha Ha.
These are our 战利品:
Top Left: 吴克群's very first album 《一个人的Tomorrow》. I've been looking for this album for a long long long time. I finally found it, and it's selling at half price! WOOT!
Top Right: Suzanne Vega's [Beauty & Crime]
Bottom: B.A.D's 《皇后之歌》. I've always admired B.A.D's singing.. They are one boy band that really has the VOICE. They once went to Katong Convent in 2004 and held a mini concert-校园演唱会, and I got to see them right before my eyes. I remember telling myself I've never seen guys so TALL before. Haha. They are really handsome too.
So, yeah.. More CDs for me to drown myself in. HAHAHA. This is a good way to kick-start the dying economy too, huh? :)
Friday, March 6, 2009
"A" Levels Results. My Life. I Think. Is. Screwed Up.
Sis: Die.
Me: ...
Sis: The reason to live is to die.
And that sounds perfectly right. Not that I'm being pessimistic or emo, but seriously, the ultimate 'nirvana' that everyone will get to, is Death.
BCC. Thank you very much.
I'm not sad. I'm not happy too. Let's just say that I'm feeling normal. Just a little bit towards the moody side.
It's weird how I managed to get a 'B' for Econs, the almighty subject which I never fail to fail. Remember that ugly 'U' for prelims? Mr. Derek Lee is really the GOD that saved my Econs. That's a 5 grades jump! I really am shocked.
Literature. Oh Literature. I got a 'C', a 'C' so BIG and FAT that I feel ashamed having taken Lit as a H2 subject. Some structured lessons we've got, some nonsensical arrangements obliged upon us. Okay... now only 3% of the cohort managed to attain an 'A'. NYJC, please come up with a better strategy, don't jeopardise the grades of others anymore, you can't afford to, you cheena boona school! I think I know why. We were taught how to pass it, not how to score it. That probably explains why.
History. I'm disappointed. Why are you a 'C'? I was hoping for a 'B' or better. Prelims was good, why this now? Never mind, what's over is over.
OOOO. But I passed H1 Math!!!!! Another 'C'. HAHAHAHAHA. No more 'U'!!! That's like striking a million-dollar lottery. Edelyn Chua passed her MATH! Gosh! That must be a joke.
AND, I passed my GP!!! Although it's a 'C' too, it's still way better than the 'U's and 'S's on my report slips since J1. Heh.
I feel bad.
Bad in a sense that I have a group of wanderers together with me.
My dear friends are like me,
Sort of lost,
But not missing a chance to prove others wrong.
Give us some time,
We will do it,
And be the very next star,
That shines on brightly till eternity.
Holy crap, am I losing my senses already?