Monday, December 7, 2009

落雨了 · 心情也变得烦躁。 [A forgotten blog post of too long ago]

It's raining again.
暗沉沉的天空雨点 滴答~滴答
Windows closed, 闷了
Noon, 饿了
Liz is frying eggs, 为(喂)自己。
Sitting around at home, 囧了。

Who says that being Hokkien means that I have to listen to Taiwanese radio stations?!?
What kind of shitty logic is that? I don't even listen to local radio stations.
Some old man came pressing the door-bell this morning and asked me if I know that 'Redifussion' is. He said, “小姐,你听过‘丽的呼声’吗?”I replied, “没有” and he gasped. WTF! Then he asked me if I'm a Singaporean. Eh what the shit, do I look like a foreigner to you? Then when I said yes I am a Singaporean, then he doubted me again, saying, “呵,怎么可能新加坡人不懂什么是‘丽的呼声’?这个很红的leh。” Oh shut up la old man. Then he asked how old am I, then he continued, “哦,这个很多年了leh,小姐你真的没听过?” What the hell la, I said I have never heard of it, so stop asking!
Then he asked me, "li si hokkien nang, teochew nang, si mi nang(你是福建人,潮州人,什么人)?". I wanted to say 'ki si la' but it was rude. So I frankly replied that I am a Hokkien. Then he asked me, “那你可以听台湾的电台呀!有福建歌”WTFFF. Do I look like those kind who will listen to Hokkien songs???? Insane. I replied “对不起我们家不听广播的,谢谢,再见” and closed the door. What the HECK!!! I don't think anyone really knows what 'Rediffusion' is. After checking, I know that it's 'the ONLY subscription radio in Singapore which has a rich history since 1949 and has been entertaining Singaporeans with quality programs that glue listeners to our radio 24/7.' Quoted from Redifussion's official website. Okay, I may be some ignorant 19 year old Singaporean living in my own world, but it's rude and extremely mean to mock a stranger and a potential customer. Hello? Mutual respect!!! Heard of it? Probably no, because he hears only Redifussion.


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