I'm so excited now, I can explode. HAHA.
Going to Taiwan tomorrow~
The last time I stepped out of Singapore was 2 years ago, to Hongkong.
I simply can't wait to get out of Singapore again. WOOHOO!
I'm bringing my lappy to Taiwan, which means that I will be updating my blog quite frequently.
And Facebook-ing. Hehheh. That is if I have the time.
Tag on my tagboard if you wanna tell me anything. I shall throw my lousy phone far away.
Yeah. 太棒啦!台湾,我来了!呜呼~~
Twitter is DUMB.
I created a Twitter account a few weeks ago for fun. But I totally forgotten about its non-apparent existence until just now when my brother told me he is creating a Twitter account to be a follower of *gasps* Emma Roberts. Okay~~
I got all excited again, thinking that I might be able to use Twitter as a medium to stay in touch with civilisation here in Singapore when I'm in Taiwan. I went into the website and was greeted by a retarded-looking blue bird. Then, they prompted me for my username and password. OH MAN, I can't remember! Okay, so I looked high and low for that piece of crumpled paper which I scribbled my info on. Aha, found it buried deep amongst the stack of mess on my table. Then I happily entered my Twitter. BUDDEN, after all those trouble, I decided to give up. I realised I had to find people to be my 'followers' (Oh wow, I've become Buddha). What the HECK? I don't even personally know any other human in the world who has a Twitter account besides my brother, Tricia, and Myself. WOW. 2 followers huh? And 1 will be with me on my Taiwan trip. This is so DUMB. Twitter is DUMB. Argh.
Wake me when Twitter has really taken steps in this lonely island named Singapura, then I'll consider reviving me Twitter account for the second time. That's if I still remember my username and password.
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