When your father says something is good, that thing is good. Never doubt what your parents say, for they have experienced much more in life than you.
My Dad rented the DVD of Taken, and life has since became different.
He has watched it so many times, he can recite the lines of the movie for you.
After much insistence, I watched the movie. Surprisingly, it's quite good.
I have always wanted to roam around the world on my own, to experience the roughs out there.
Daddy will always say, "Don't be silly, don't ever travel alone."
I will always rebut, "I don't care."
But after watching the movie, I understand his refusal to let me travel alone.
Perhaps I've become paranoid, like how he is.
Perhaps I've come to realise that the world isn't such a beautiful place after all.
Perhaps, perhaps.
The movie is great, not because of the effects, but great because of the storyline.
One's naiveness may lead to hell.
One's persistence may cause immense trouble.
One heed of advice may prevent nasty outcomes.
One's maturity will bring one to great distance.
One DVD can cause one's Dad to turn into a philosopher. But I'm not complaining.
Thank you for that great movie.
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