Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Quiet CNY

Surprisingly, this year's CNY is way quieter than I expected it to be.
I had so much time to sit around and stare into space.
But, how can I complain? It's holiday! heehee.

Pictures over the days from 除夕onwards:

Reunion dinner at M Hotel's Cafe 2000.

These are Mum's fingers. I vandalised them. hahahaha.
Which other mother in the world will be so crazy to let her daughter do that to her nails?! 
My mum rocks. haha. 

Pitcure with Grandpa and Grandma.

A rare sight caught on TV! 小虎队!
Now become 老虎队already...

Then, in jiuma house. With Avril.

Avril surrounded in Tiggers.

At 万佛林。


The weather was mad hot.

Lunch at a vegetarian restaurant. The food is good.

Then more food in grandma's house again.

Yup, that's about all of my CNY.

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